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"There's ol' Monody," sez I. "I wish Barbie was safe an' we'd show'em a merry time of it." I answered the call an' the' was silence for a long time. Presently we heard a rattlin' volley, an' the cook rolled around the corner o' the house an' joined us. "The next time they rush," sez Jabez, "we'll charge out after 'em an' try for the dug-out. They won't monkey much longer."

"Well, show'em, dang it, an' shut up!" muttered Applehead crossly, and turned over on his good ear so that he could sleep undisturbed. Luck, half awakened by the movement, curled up with his knees close to his chin and went on with his dream.

Bullsom drew himself up and beamed upon Mary. "I'll show'em a bit," he declared, with great good-humour. "I may be an ignorant old man, but I'm going to wake these girls up." Mary struggled for a moment, but her sense of humour triumphed. She burst out laughing. "Oh, uncle, uncle," she exclaimed, "you're a wonderful man." He beamed upon her. "You come shopping with us in London," he said.

"I'm with you, Bill," remarked Pete Williamson, "an' mebbe we can snatch their hosses, just to show'em how it feels." The third man lifted up his voice. "I 'llow I've had enough of this here kind of thing," said he, "an' I'll get back to the settlement while there's anything for me to get there on.

Kipping was standing as they rowed, and so fiercely now did they ply their oars, casting to the winds every pretence of weakness, that the boat rocked from side to side. "At 'em!" Kipping snarled. "We'll show 'em! We'll show'em!" "Hold your fire, men," said Roger the third time. "I'll wing that bird." And aiming deliberately, he shot.

Then Dan pulled out a perch. "I got another one," he shouted. And Chad fished silently. They were making "a mighty big fuss," he thought, "over mighty little fish." If he just had a minnow an' had 'em down in the mountains, "I Gonnies, he'd show'em what fishin' was!" But he began to have good luck as it was.