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As soon as it was dark night, up came the serpent, looking right and left; and, making for the tree whereon we were, climbed up to my comrade and swallowed him down to his shoulders.

"She was to be harsked in," she heard the footman observe, confidentially, to the young woman, "and taken to Miss Crewe's room immediate." So she was led up-stairs, and ushered into a pretty bedroom, where she found Dolly sitting by the fire in a dressing-gown, with her hair about her shoulders. She jumped up the moment Mollie entered, and ran to her, brush in hand, to kiss her.

He did not stir; he simply remained sitting back in his chair, his face turned to the door, his eyes resting on the figure before him in vague amazement. The next second, with a half-cry, his wife was on her knees beside him, her arms about him, her form shaken with sobs. He sat forward slowly, and his arm rested on her shoulders. "There! don't cry," he said slowly; "it might be worse."

An iron grating, which led to the sewers, was at his feet. Jean Valjean tore it open, and disappeared with Marius on his shoulders. He emerged, after a horrible passage through a grating by the bank of the river, only to find there the implacable Javert! Jean Valjean was quite calm. "Inspector Javert," he said, "help me to carry this man home; then do with me what you please."

On the arrival of the bride a procession was formed at the west entrance and proceeded up to the chancel, singing 'The voice that breathed o'er Eden " "Poor Polly!" thought Glory. "The bride wore a duchess satin gown trimmed with chiffon and Brussels lace, and having a long train hung from the shoulders.

The shoulders and head appeared; then it changed its position and the face was towards him with the vast eyes, that had a dim, greyish light in them, gazing up into his.

"You'll take the prog-bag, Mas'r Harry, as soon as we get there; and I've brought this bit of rope so as to sling the skin bags over my shoulders," said Tom. "All right!" I said, and I nodded assent.

The other portion flaps back, forming a thick mane or hunch upon the shoulders. In old individuals the hair becomes greatly elongated; and hanging down almost to the ground on both flanks, and along the neck, imparts to the animal the strange appearance of being without legs! The general colour of the coat is black, with here and there a dash of brown over it.

Her white dress, high-waisted, swung as she forced the rhythm, determinedly swaying to the time as if her body were the white stroke of a metronome. It made the young man frown as he watched. Yet he continued to watch. She had a very strong, vigorous body. Her neck, pure white, arched in strength from the fine hollow between her shoulders as she held the violin.

Standing I say, but you could never see whether they were standing or sitting, all but their heads and shoulders being out of sight in the cozy little cabins which occupied some eight feet of the stern, and which Tom Brown pictured to himself as the most desirable of residences.