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I used to shoot, when I was a wee lad. I can remember dragging a shot-gun around with me over the hills. Also, I possessed an air-rifle, with which, on great occasion, I was even able to slaughter a robin.

Now, our journey lay over a rough, hilly country, and I remember it was very cold. I think we passed over some of the smaller Catskill Mountains. Father and I walked some of the way, as the snow was quite deep on the mountains. He carried his rifle, and I my shot-gun on our shoulders. Our journey was a tedious one, for we got along very slowly; but we finally arrived at Unadilla.

The air-ships, flying hither and thither a few hundred feet above the house-tops, like spirits of destruction, sent their shells into their crowded masses and wrought the most awful havoc of all with their frightful explosives, blowing hundreds of men to indistinguishable fragments at every shot, while from the windows of every house that was not in ruins came a ceaseless hail of missiles from every kind of firearm, from a magazine rifle to a shot-gun.

He could see him yet, his queer little monkeyish face eloquent with fear, his back burdened with specimen cases, in his hands Bassett's butterfly net and naturalist's shot-gun, as he quavered, in Beche-de-mer English: "Me fella too much fright along bush. Bad fella boy, too much stop'm along bush." Bassett smiled sadly at the recollection.

If he will keep his place among the niggers, where fellows of his stamp belong, I'll be the last one to say or do anything against him; but when he tries to shove himself up among white folks, and swindle me out of a new shot-gun and get appointed mail carrier over my head, it's something I won't stand.

How are you off for weapons? I left my rifle behind." "The servants have got their rifles and plenty of ammunition. I have a double-barrelled .400 cordite rifle and a shot-gun. If it comes to a scrap I'll take that and leave you the rifle. You're a much better shot; and I can't miss at close quarters with a scatter-gun." "Do you think there's any hope for us?" asked the girl quietly.

I brought with me a short Snider carbine the best and handiest weapon to stop a wild pig at a short range and a double-barrelled muzzle-loading shot-gun. The latter I gave to the "devil" to carry, and promised him that he should fire at least five shots from it at pigeons or mountain fowl before we returned to the village.

He stepped into his cabin, and returning with a double-barreled shot-gun, leaned it against the booby-hatch, and said quietly: "Call all hands aft who can come." Mr.

I guess General Custer didn't send you to fight the hull township." Turning to Stevens, he added, "Thar ain't no need fer any cussin'." Amid complete silence he uncocked his shot-gun, climbed over the fence, and went on in the same voice: "Jake, take that horse to the stable an' wipe him dry. Tell your mother I'm coming right up to eat." Without another word he moved off homewards.

"Right or wrong," the officer retorted, "I have to carry out my orders, not reason about them. Here, sergeant, let three men hold the horses and get to work on this fence." As the sergeant advanced and put his hand on the top layer of the heavy snake-fence, the Elder levelled his shot-gun and said: "Ef you pull down that bar I'll shoot."