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I guess General Custer didn't send you to fight the hull township." Turning to Stevens, he added, "Thar ain't no need fer any cussin'." Amid complete silence he uncocked his shot-gun, climbed over the fence, and went on in the same voice: "Jake, take that horse to the stable an' wipe him dry. Tell your mother I'm coming right up to eat." Without another word he moved off homewards.

You must try to forgive your poor old dad, for he has had a trying time; and now when it is over, the doctor wants me to take my shot-gun and go to the Adirondacks for a change. You must not fancy I am sick, only over-driven and under the weather.

"When did you write to him?" asked Bert. "On the very day I borrowed the paper." "Well, Don was just three days ahead of you. I've got the order in my pocket." "What do you and Don want to go into the trapping business for?" asked Bob, with ill-concealed disgust. "You don't need the money." "Neither do you," replied Bert. "Yes, I do. I intended to buy a new shot-gun with it.

Mother, she who had faced a sheriff's shot-gun, was timorous about facing an irate matron, and she tagged hesitatingly after Father as he marched along the row of bungalows, up the steps of the one that was rented, and rang the bell. The door was opened by a maid, in a Lipsittsville version of a uniform.

The jingling of spurs, and the shadow of McKinstry and his shot-gun falling at this moment between the speaker and Cressy, spared her the necessity of a reply. McKinstry cast an uneasy glance around the apartment, and not seeing Mrs. McKinstry looked relieved, and even the deep traces of the loss of a valuable steer that morning partly faded from his Indian-red complexion.

Each officer carried a shot-gun, and every evening, after going into camp, some would go out and soon return with venison and wild turkeys enough for the entire camp.

After supper, from meal furnished them for this purpose, they gave us a history of their trials in Texas, which was truly sorrowful; and with the notes, mortgages, and credits given to the whole amount, two thousand five hundred dollars for their farms, they were compelled to leave and flee for their lives, as David did before Saul." Shot-gun rule still continued.

'What luck had you? said she. 'I hid myself behind the woodpile, said the old man, 'with the shot-gun pointed toward the hen-roost, and before long there appeared, not one skunk, but seven.

There were blankets and buffalo-robes; there was a small canvass tent folded up; there were bags of provisions, and some cooking utensils; there was a spade and an axe; there were rifles three of them and a double-barrelled shot-gun; besides a fish-net, and many other articles, the necessary equipments for such a journey.

Sometimes, when it was her turn and she sat by the prisoner, the loaded shot-gun in her lap, her eyes would close and she would doze. Always she aroused with a start, snatching up the gun and swiftly looking at him. These were distinct nervous shocks, and their effect was not good on her.