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Young Lochgair, heir to untold acres in the far north and master of unlimited pocket-money, admitted frankly that the sum of eight-and-sixpence per day, which he was now earning by the sweat of his brow and the expenditure of shoe-leather, was sweeter to him than honey in the honeycomb.

"Thank you for putting me in mind that I'm mounted," said Grady; "I had almost forgotten it." "Make your minds easy," said Sergeant Barton. "You will have plenty of camel riding in a day or two, quite as much as you like perhaps." "And I hope it will be before I have worn-out my third pair of boots," said Macintosh. "Eh, but this is a grievous waste of shoe-leather."

As I said to my " "Does your mother know of your arrival?" asked Mr Crossley abruptly. "No; I meant to take her by surprise." "Humph! Just like you young fellows. In some things you have no more brains than geese. Being made of cast-iron and shoe-leather you assume that everybody else is, or ought to be, made of the same raw material.

As they climbed the gangway they were met and welcomed by Captain Benson, who led them to the poop, the only dry and clean part of the ship; for the Almena's crew were holystoning the main-deck, and as this operation consists in grinding off the oiled surface of the planks with sandstone, the resulting slime of sand, oily wood-pulp, and salt water made walking unpleasant, as well as being very hard on polished shoe-leather.

Crowfield; and it is to be confessed that this worthy woman spends a large portion of her time, and wears out an extraordinary amount of shoe-leather, in performing the duties of a self-constituted intelligence office. Talk of giving money to the poor! what is that, compared to giving sympathy, thought, time, taking their burdens upon you, sharing their perplexities?

"From Westminster, good Father." "Nay, then, thou mayest spare shoe-leather. I left the Monastery but now, and, I warrant thee, they promise small welcome to those from the pestilent cities. What would'st thou with the Abbat?" Hilarius told him. The friar flung up his hands. "Laus Deo! Laus Deo!" he cried, "now I know thou art in very truth the lad of my dream.

Our mizen mast was carried away both our mainsails split and we smashed a few spars, and lost some running gear; nothing more serious happened, save the loss of as fine a young fellow as ever trode shoe-leather a seaman. He was caught sharply by one of the ropes that gave way, and it carried him overboard like a feather.

But sometimes it seemed to him that from behind every fire-lit window in the evenings he was still wearing out shoe-leather, particularly at nights somebody with a mandolin was wailing about the long, long trail. His mother watched him anxiously. He was thinner than ever, and oddly older, and there was a hollow look about his eyes that hurt her.

My search for employment, so far from wearing out shoe-leather, was confined to a single application, to one brief interview. This was not at all due to any cleverness on my part, but in the first place to the good offices of Mr. Perkins of Dursley, and in the second place to the easygoing character of prevailing Australian conditions.

The population now subsisted on linseed and rape-seed; as these supplies were exhausted they devoured cats, dogs, rats, and mice, and when at last these unclean animals had been all consumed, they boiled the hides of horses and oxen; they ate shoe-leather; they plucked the nettles and grass from the graveyards, and the weeds which grew between the stones of the pavement, that with such food they might still support life a little longer, till the promised succor should arrive.