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"I wish you would call up the shipyard, Walter," asked Kennedy, as we stood in the lobby, where we could see best what was going on. "Tell him I would like to see him very urgently."

This decision arrived at, the party retired for the night, most of them, it must be confessed, to dream of the wonderful cave and the equally wonderful wealth of which they had been talking. The next day was spent by all hands, Dale included, at the shipyard.

The man is, or was, a member of your staff, engaged in shipyard inquiries. Can you give me a list of the men who are or have been on this sort of work during the past few years?" "I will get it for you. But please use it carefully. My present men are precious jewels, the few left to me by zealous military authorities.

The woodmen drove the horses out of the forest into the beautiful white world. On and on they went until at last they came to a little village by the sea. They drove through the village and into a great shipyard, where saws were buzzing, hammers were pounding, and busy men were hurrying about. Pine Tree had never seen anything like this before.

A new shipyard and a dry-dock were hurriedly built; and there was keen competition for ship-carpenters. In 1753 L'Algonkin, a frigate of seventy-two guns, was successfully launched. The shipwrights experimented freely with Canadian woods, of which the white oak proved the best. But the Canadian-built vessels for transatlantic trade never seem to have equalled in number those that came from France.

Every month a new shipyard sprang into existence, but the world war could never find enough vessels for the transportation of food and instruments of death. Without any bargaining whatever, they had given Ferragut the price that he had exacted; fifteen hundred francs per ton, four million and a half for the boat.

When I looked again to horror was added chagrin, for with the emerging of the U-boat I had recognized her as a product of our own shipyard. I knew her to a rivet. I had superintended her construction.

The interest of the people in the navy afforded a great stimulus to shipbuilding. It is told of one of the principal yards, that its promotor went to Washington with a bid for naval construction in his pocket, but without either a shipyard or capital wherewith to build one. He secured a contract for two ships, and capital readily interested itself in his project.

There's a shipyard on the Clyde that's got ma name on its books as a fitter that's ma job an' A'm proud o' it. If ye're thinkin', Captain Blackie, sir-r, that ma heid got big " "No, no, Tam," said Blackie hastily, "I'm just telling you so that you'll understand things when they happen." Tam saluted and walked away.

One afternoon, as Jack Benson was strolling through the shipyard, Jacob Farnum, in the doorway of the office building, called to the young skipper. "I suppose both boats are ready, Jack?" asked the shipbuilder. "Quite, sir," nodded Benson. He did not inquire for what they were expected to be ready.