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The latter is the one of which he speaks to his fellow race-mates if he speaks at all about his solitary life. The former lies at the back of his heart, and is only known to himself, and then but dimly known till the time comes for a return to the Tents of Shem.

"They wish you to address them, Master," I cried, as the cheers continued. He smiled. "Doubtless a sermon full of hair-splitting exegesis and devil's webs. I pray you descend and see that my horse be not stolen." I sprang down with alacrity to obey this his first wish, and, scrambling on the animal, had again a view of the sea of faces, all turned towards the Baal Shem.

Whether this was by revelation from heaven, or through the information of Japheth and Shem, I determine not; but so it was, that the good man had understanding thereof: which might be requisite upon a double account; not only that he might now be ashamed thereof; but take notice, that he had caused the enemies of God to reproach; for this sinks deep into a good man's heart, and afflicteth him so much the more.

The assembling of the animals in the ark was but the smaller part of the task imposed upon Noah. His chief difficulty was to provide food for a year and accommodations for them. Long afterward Shem, the son of Noah, related to Eliezer, the servant of Abraham, the tale of their experiences with the animals in the ark. This is what he said: "We had sore troubles in the ark.

"I am in search of the Baal Shem," I explained. "Indeed," said he; "he is easily to be found." "What, do you know the Baal Shem?" I cried excitedly. He seemed amused at my agitation. His black eyes twinkled. "Why, everybody in these parts knows the Baal Shem," said he. "How shall I find him, then?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders. "You have but to step up into my cart."

My wife had lost the log-book in her excitement, and I only found it to-day. Course N. E. by E. Shem at the wheel. Jap. on the lookout. Sun., 34 days out. No religious services to-day; women are talking about me don't talk to me; if they do, I'll speak of that jug. Course due E. Blowing fresh. J. at the wheel, S. on lookout. Mon., 35 days out.

The whole posterity of Shem and Japheth are intellectually superior to the posterity of Ham. Locality has had its influence. The human species degenerate mentally and morally in a tropical climate. Vice saps the foundation, and gradually impairs and undermines the mental and moral constitutions of mankind.

As Sherlock Holmes spoke the door burst open and Shem rushed in. "A signal of distress, captain!" he cried. "From what quarter to larboard?" asked Holmes. "No," returned Shem, breathless. "Then it must be dead ahead," said Holmes. "Why not to starboard?" asked Le Coq, dryly. "Because," answered Holmes, confidently, "it never happens so.

In the formulæ of the necromancers it is omitted, though in practice it may have been pronounced. Even that is doubtful. A knowledge of it conferred powers similar to those that have been attributed to the Christ, and which the Sadducees ascribed to his knowledge of the tetragrammation. A knowledge of the Babylonian Shem was as potent. It served not only men but gods.

Immediately a smile of glee overspread his features; and, while the master was busy with one of the boys, he drew his black finger gently down the forehead and nose of the boy next to him. "What part of the earth was peopled by the descendants of Ham?" cried the master, pointing to the dux. "Shem!" shrieked a small boy near the foot of the class.