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In illustration of the attachment of the elephant to its young, the authority of KNOX has been quoted, that "the shees are alike tender of any one's young ones as of their own."

On Samain eve, the night before the first of November, or, as it is now called, All Hallows' night or Hallowe'en, all the fairy hills or shees are thrown wide open and the fairy host issues forth, as mortals who are bold enough to venture near may see. Naturally therefore people keep indoors so as not to encounter the spectral host.

Yes, mine shild, I never shees no petter gals as you pees." And he rose from his chair, and approaching Mattie, patted her on the shoulder encouragingly. "You pees such a goot girl," he repeated, "and you will pe mine goot friend, eh?" "Certainly I will. Why should I be anything else?" replied Mattie, looking up smilingly in his face. Hanz shook his head.

Pish, I doe but drill her For you, friend; you shall have her, say your Captaine Sayes it, whose words doe ventilate destruction To all who do oppugn what they designe. Sir Gef. Come, you shall love me. Cla. Sir Gef. Madam! madam! shees in her old fitt! Cla.

Thurston, tis not cause I have in the intemperate heate of blood Given up my soule to a new choyce, that breeds This soddaine mutability: I will Preserve my affection as inviolate to you As Anchorites their vowes, and in my grave Interr my virgin glory. Thu. Shees gon!

"I tolds you tar pees un shust Got; and now you shees how dat shust Got he pees mine friend." "Aye, verily," rejoined Critchel, "and he lets them what builds castles and lives like lords suffer their disappointments. Poor people like us, who work with their hands, stick to their lands, and pay their debts, have their castles in peace and contentment."

See the fortune now, don't you?" "Perhaps I toes, und maybe I ton't," replied Hanz, relieving his mouth of the pipe. "I shees t' shand, und I shees t' tirty tollars how I know where he comes from, eh?" Hanz began to have his suspicion aroused, and to feel that he had got into queer company.

To curse fate Were to allow I feard it, and admit Participation in me of that spiritt I most detest, a womans. Lov. Please your good Ladyship. Lady. What can he see in her more worthy love Then is in me? shees but a picture drawne By my dimensions, and men sooner fancy The Substance then the Shaddow.

But, sweet, you left me with a resolution To hunt this morning. Have you done already? Ri. The theeves prevented me. My Stable has been rob'd to night; two geldings And my roane Nagg are vanished. La. How? Ri. Nay, doe not thou vexe: I have sent hue and cry that may oretake 'em. But come, Ile leave thee to my glasse, And visit Sir Francis now shees return'd. How does our Noble guest? Do.

If I find the clime Does to our constitutions promise life, Ile come to you and in those happy shades Will live in peace eternally. Alas, I feare shees Irrecoverable. Twas Ill don to affright her thus. Mag. Expect the best: The Gentleman will perswade her. Tho.