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Tain't of'n as ole Rube wastes lead, but I'll beat that Injun's shot, or 'ee may cut my ears off." A loud laugh hailed this allusion of the trapper to his ears, which, as we have observed, were already gone; and so closely had they been trimmed that nothing remained for either knife or shears to accomplish. "How will you do it, Rube?" cried one of the hunters; "shoot the mark off a yer own head?"

It took less than a minute for him to finish and filing away great sixteen page dailies. A few seconds sufficed for the smaller papers. Occasionally he took his long shears and with a skilful twist cut out a piece from the middle of a page and laid it and the shears upon the table with a single motion. "Now, Mr. Howard."

The smooth-shaven face was a peculiar one, being broad in its outline, with the features, especially the eyes, small and close together. The short, bushy eyebrows met above a fine, clean-cut nose; the jaws were heavy and brutal; yet the menace of the face was not in these, but in the thin straight lips which closed like the shears of Fate.

These, according to the wise rule of settling all one craft in one spot, were by the advice of the Queen's Chamberlain, the Earl of Shrewsbury, settled on his own estate at Sheffield, and the neighbourhood thenceforward became known for the manufacture of shears, sickles, knives of every kind, and scissors.

I will leave it to the most skilful court-tailor, upon a wager, whether he can produce such another." The sultana, smiling, turned to Omar: "And thou, my son, what hast thou brought?" Indignantly he cast the silk and shears upon the floor. "They have taught me to tame horses, and to swing my sabre; and my lance will strike you a mark at sixty paces.

Even to the last, one wretched sylph struggling to save the lock clung to it. It was in vain, "Fate urged the shears, and cut the sylph in twain." Then, while Belinda cried aloud in anger, the Baron shouted in triumph and rejoiced over his spoil.

Suddenly she realized that they were inside the vineyard walls, for fragrance assailed her nostrils, fragrance of ripened grapes, of grapes crushed under foot as the swift pickers went snipping the full purple bunches with their shears. "I shall see Bacchus coming next," she said to herself, but hoping that it would not be Bacchus.

And he tramped round and round his machine, clenching his fists in desperation because it was so slow in coming. The last touch only, the dot upon an i, was wanting. A slight change in the shape or position of the fingers, or the length of the shears what was it he wanted? How could he sleep that night?

She grasped the shears firmly in her right hand, smoothed the cloth spread before her with a nervous little pat of her left, pushed her bright hair back from her forehead, and prepared to cut. At which critical moment there entered Annie, the errand-girl, with the three bits of white pasteboard. Emma glanced down at them and waved Annie away. "Can't see them. Busy." Annie stood her ground. "Mr.

"Who can point out the road that another will take, and say to-day, 'To-morrow I shall find him thus and not otherwise. "We fools flee into the desert in order to forget the world, and the world pursues us and clings to our skirts. Where are the shears that are keen enough to cut the shadow from beneath our feet?