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"You see I have the asses' ears after all," said he, pointing to his own, which were very prominent in his shorn and shaven condition. Beatrice could not very easily call up a smile, but she made an effort, and succeeded, while she said, "I should have complimented you on the increased wisdom of your looks. I did not know the shape of your head was so like papa's."

Think you then that we will turn cowards now? Nay, we march on to fulfil our destinies." At these words Oros showed neither curiosity nor surprise; it was as though I told him only what he knew. "Good," he replied, smiling, and with a courteous bow of his shaven head, "within an hour you shall march on to fulfil your destinies.

"Your coat and trousers need pressing, sir," said he. "And where am I to get the hot water for shaving, sir?" "Frau Schmick will supply anything you need, Britton," said I, happy on being able to give the information. "It is not I as needs it, sir," said he, feeling of his smoothly shaven chin.

And this is what I had been stupefied to note: he was clean shaven! The Brinstead side-whiskers were gone! Whiskers that had been worn in precisely that fashion by a tremendous line of the Earls of Brinstead! And the tenth of his line had abandoned them. As well, I thought, could he have defaced the Brinstead arms. It was plain as a pillar-box, indeed.

One life, three- quarters spent, is but a poor pledge to the gods yet too much to be thrown away in vain. The auguries are all mixed nowadays. I doubt them. I mistrust the shaven priests who dole out answers in return for minted money. I have knelt before the holy shrine of Vesta, but the Virgins were as vague as the Egyptian who prophesied " He hesitated. "What?" demanded Marcia.

I telegraphed him in cipher, congratulating him on his success so far, and told him not to mind the loss of his baggage; but to change his disguise, and rig himself up as a dashing Southerner. Accordingly, the first thing in the morning, he took a bath, had had his face clean shaven, and, going to the clothing and other furnishing stores, soon procured a fashionable outfit.

Near the great porch on either side of the bishop's path were ranged the seminarists, in cassocks of black with a dark blue or red hood depressing looking youths with flaccid faces and an unhealthy eye. Behind them stood a group of friars in rough woolen garments of brown, with heads clean shaven all but an inch of closely cut hair like a halo on a saint.

"There's our man," he exclaimed, and running downstairs, he reached the door just as Hillyard's twelve camels and his donkeys trooped into the light. Hillyard was riding bareheaded, with his helmet looped to his saddle, a young man, worn thin by sun and exercise, with fair burnt hair, and a brown clean shaven face. Colin Rayne went up to him as he dismounted.

About the heath, on every side, lay the forest, looking in the moonlight like a cloud; and above the forest, like the shaven crown of a monk, rose the bare moor over which they were walking. Presently, a little way in front of them, the princess espied a whitewashed cottage, gleaming in the moon.

About their waists the reins were tied; at the side a knife hung; from the forehead the hair was shaven; and everything they wore, the waistcoat, the short skirt, the ribbons, was of one color, scarlet, yellow, emerald, or blue: and this color, repeated on the car and on the harness, distinguished them from those with whom they raced. Already the cars had circled the hippodrome four times.