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Now bring me my staff, from undher the bed above; an', in the name o' God, I'll set out." "Which o' them, Owen? Is it the oak or the blackthorn?" "The oak, acushla. Oh, no; not the blackthorn. It's it that I brought to Dublin wid me, the unlucky thief, an' that I had while we wor a shaughran. Divil a one o' me but 'ud blush in the face, if I brought it even in my hand afore them.

Then, says I, 'lave the rest to somebody, for I won't name names. No, your honor, I did'nt bring Hanlon in. By the same token, as a proof of it, there's young Bandy Shaughran, the son, wid a turkey under aich arm, comin'up to the hall door." * These were iniquitous exactions, racked from the poor tenantry by the old landlords or their agents.

Why, throth, I believe the little wits I had are all gone a shaughran! I must fast a Friday or two for the same words agin St. Pether. Oxis Doxis Glorioxis Amin." Hope is strong in love and in life. Peggy, now that grief had eased her heart of its load of accumulated sorrow, began to reflect upon Darby's anecdote of Captain Cramer, which she related to those about her.

They immediately recognized "the poor scholar," and in a moment were attempting to recover him. "Why thin, my poor fellow, what's a shaughran wid you?" Jemmy started for a moment, looked about him, and asked, "Where am I?" "Faitha, thin, you're in Rory Connor's field, widin a few perches of the high-road. But what ails you, poor boy? Is it sick you are?"