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'But you can't come in, for the house is shut up for the night, replied the cook. ''Tis a quare hour you lock your doors at, said the besieger. 'Mighty quare, but so it is, she answered. 'But 'tis a message for the misthress I have, answered the applicant. 'Who from? demanded the porteress. ''Tis a present o' some wine, acushla. 'Who from? repeated she, growing more uneasy.

"I also publish the banns of matrimony between Phelim O'Toole whom we must in future call the 'Patriarch' of Teernarogarah, and Peggy Donovan of the same place. If any of you knows any impediment in the way of their marriage, you are bound to declare it." "Bravo! Phelim acushla. 'Tis you that's the blessed youth. Tundher-an'-whiskey, did ever any body hear of sich desate? To do three o' them.

She bid me call to see the spot where you're lyin', my buried flower, an' to tell you that we're not now, thanks be to God, as we wor whin you lived wid us. We are well to do now, acushla oge machree, an' not in hunger, an' sickness, an' misery, as we wor whin you suffered them all!

The main thing to do is to get her to want to do things.” “What’s your name, my lad?” she asked. “Dicky Dore, ma’am,” the boy answered respectfully. “Well, Oi don’t see why you shouldn’t thry ut, acushla,” she said to Maida. “A half an hour iv’ry avening after dinner. Sure, in a wake, ’twill be foine and grand we’ll be wid the little store running like a clock.”

Jimmy, avourneen machree, an' how can I part wid you, my darlin' son! Sure, when I look at your mild face, and think that you're takin' the world on your head to rise us out of our poverty, isn't my heart breakin'! A lonely house we'll have afther you, acushla! Goin' out and comin' in, at home or abroad, your voice won't be in my ears, nor your eye smilin' upon me.

O'Hara, and what boroughs is bringing in the market." This last sally was directed towards a large, red-faced man, who good-humoredly joined in the laugh against himself. "And who's this, boys?" cried the fellow, turning suddenly his piercing eyes on me, as I endeavored, step by step, to reach the door of the hotel. "Hurrool look at his beard, acushla!

I'd surely be proud to see yourself an' myself sittin' in our glory upon our own jauntin'-car. Sure we can afford it, an' ought to have it, too. Bud-an'-ager! what's the rason I didn't, think of it long ago?" "Maybe you did, acushla; but you forgot, it. Wasn't that the way wid you, Pether? Tell the thruth." "Why, thin, bad luck to the lie in it, since you must know.

What chance have you against a dozen of them, with Boss McGinty and all the power of the lodge behind them?" McMurdo disengaged her hands, kissed her, and gently pushed her back into a chair. "There, acushla, there! Don't be disturbed or fear for me. I'm a Freeman myself. I'm after telling your father about it. Maybe I am no better than the others; so don't make a saint of me.

Are you fond of a sartin boy not far from you, called Bouncin' Phelim?" "To be sure I am. Are you satisfied now? Phelim! I say," "Faith, it won't pass, avourneen. That's not the voice for it. Don't you hear me, how tendher I spake wid my mouth brathin' into your ear, acushla machree?

Felix and Alley went before them, and the conversation which we are about to detail, took place between herself and her youngest daughter. "Susy, darlin'," said she, "you see the happy pair before us; but why is it, acushla, that my heart is sunk when I think of their marriage? Do you hear that say? There's not a wave on it, but still it's angry, if one can judge by its voice.