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Besides, I gave him a couple of the mate's old shirts. And I fancy the mate's head is still there decorating the canoe- house." "Not exactly Christian burial of a Christian," Whiskers observed. "But a lucrative burial," Slim retorted. "I had to feed the rest of the mate over-side to the sharks for nothing. Think of feeding an eight-hundred-dollar head along with it.

The man with the talent to succeed is the man on the raft who never goes to sleep. His indefatigable orb sweeps the main from sunset to sunset. Having sighted a sail, he gets up on his hind legs and waves that shirt in so determined a manner that the ship is bound to see him and take him off. Occasionally he plunges into the sea, risking sharks and other perils.

Gas rates have dropped again from $22 to $17. Water rates have dropped from 30¢ to 20¢ per 1000 gal. The disreputable district has been cleaned up and bond sharks driven out of business. The Des Moines Plan of City Government, World's Work, Vol. "Now city business is almost wholly administrative and executive and very little concerned with large plans and far-reaching legislation.

"Did you bring these black scoundrels aboard?" cried the doctor, who was beside himself with rage. "Sartain I did; they're my crew, and I'm their master, and I've only got to say the word and over you go to the sharks. Eh, sonny? Sharks, eh?"

At length hunger and thirst aiding Che’ Leh's persuasions, they dropped off the boat, making a great splashing to scare the sharks, and after hours of cruel toil, for which their exhausted condition fitted them but ill, they succeeded in loosening the mast, and releasing the palm-leaf sail. Long pauses were necessary at frequent intervals, for the men were very weak.

First the prize-giving, then Tom, and now, on top of everything else, this infernal quarrel between Angela and young Glossop." I nodded gravely. "I was frightfully sorry to hear of that. Terrible shock. What was the row about?" "Sharks." "Eh?" "Sharks. Or, rather, one individual shark. The brute that went for the poor child when she was aquaplaning at Cannes. You remember Angela's shark?"

"It appears, my man," the commodore began, "that you was too anxious to horn in on the profits o' this expedition, so in a moment o' human weakness you did your employers an evil deed. We had it all figgered out to feed you to the sharks on the way home, because dead men tell no tales, but our sufferin's on that island has caused us all to look with a milder eye on mere human shortcomin's.

"Well, I wish it would come this way," declared Harris. "We're still a long way from safety." "It's probably a German, anyhow," said Jack, "so if we are rescued it will be only to be made prisoners." "That's better than being made shark bait," said Harris; "and, by the way, speaking of sharks, I have heard that there were many of them in these waters."

I thought, wild with impatience. And then, to my horror, I saw that it was closely followed by a number of sharks, which swam round and round it expectantly. Seeing this, I could contain myself no longer.

The captain, who of course suspected nothing, allowed them to crowd on board; and I declare that within five minutes they had clubbed him and every man of the crew and tossed their bodies to the sharks. Then they cut my hawsers and towed me over the river-bar; and, having landed a good half of my barrels, they built and lit a fire around them in derision.