United States or Oman ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Their benevolence to each other, exercised amidst want and privation, as far surpasses the munificence of the rich towards them, as the exalted philanthropy of Christ and his disciples does the Christianity of the present day. The rich man gives from his abundance; the poor man shares with a distressed comrade his all. One short, happy week too soon fled away, and we were once more alone.

He paused only long enough for his astounding advice to connect with his listener's now keenly sensitive nerve centres; then deep and clear rang out, "Barry Conant." The wiry form of Bob's old antagonist leaped to the rostrum. "I authorise you to buy any part of ten million shares of the leading stocks at any price up to fifty points above the present market.

"Why don't you go and get it then?" said James. "Oh, there's such a set of d d abolitionists there I can't do it," said Chester. "Hamilton wrote to me that he had put in ten acres of wheat this fall on shares on a widow lady's farm, and that he had a yoke of oxen, two cows, pigs and chickens," "Yes," said James, "that is all true."

The answer was simple: habit had shackled her to Sarah Gailey. She opened the letter by the flickering firelight, which was stronger on the hearthrug than the light of the dim November day. It began: "Dearest Hilda, I write at once to tell you that a lawyer called here this afternoon to inquire about your Hotel Continental shares.

Of course, there is the stock which your father is holding as I calculate, something over two hundred thousand shares and what little remains outside; but if you are interested in the mine I am the man to talk to, so what would you like to propose?" "Well," began Wiley, and then he stopped and seemed to be lost in thought.

There was a gigantic excitement; shares went up almost out of sight. About this time a quiet honest Dutchman of the vicinity passing along by the "mine" one evening with his cart, innocently and unconsciously picked up the whole at one single load and carried it home.

Does he sleep well or is he wakeful at night?" "He has poor nights. I do not know how poor because I am not often with him. His valet, who has always been in our family, shares his room and acts as his constant nurse. He can watch over him better than I can; he has no distracting trouble on his mind." "And little Roger? Does your father see much of little Roger?

Waymark remembered that one of his father's unfortunate speculations had been the purchase of certain shares in some Welsh mines. The money thus invested had remained, for the last nine years, wholly unproductive. Mr. Woodstock explained that things were looking up with the company in question, who had just declared a dividend of 4 per cent. on all their paid-up shares.

His forlorn travels of the preceding winter had made him acquainted with the topography of the country, and he reached Snake River without any material difficulty. Here, in an encampment of the natives, he met with six white men, wanderers from the main expedition of Mr. Hunt, who, after having had their respective shares of adventures and mishaps, had fortunately come together at this place.

He had put in the summer grooming himself, he had kept up the house and garden, and spent all his spare time on the ravine, and farming on the shares with his mother's sister who lived three miles east of them. At last she roused herself and again looked at him. "I had your letter this morning," she said. "I was wondering about that," he replied. "Yes, I got it just before I started," said Kate.