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The hero is first introduced at his christening, and the discussion of fitting names in the imposing family council is taken from Walter Shandy’s hobby. The narrative here, in Sterne fashion, is interrupted by a Shandean digression concerning the influence of clergymen’s collars and neck-bands upon the thoughts and minds of their audiences.

My father, as I told you was a philosopher in grain, speculative, systematical; and my aunt Dinah's affair was a matter of as much consequence to him, as the retrogradation of the planets to Copernicus: The backslidings of Venus in her orbit fortified the Copernican system, called so after his name; and the backslidings of my aunt Dinah in her orbit, did the same service in establishing my father's system, which, I trust, will for ever hereafter be called the Shandean System, after his.

But when, an' please your honours, I indite fasting, 'tis a different history. So that betwixt both, I write a careless kind of a civil, nonsensical, good-humoured Shandean book, which will do all your hearts good And all your heads too, provided you understand it.

Even that shadow of a shade "My dear, dear Jenny" has a suggestion of verity about her which has shocked and fluttered some: the maids of the Shandean household, the grisettes and peasant girls and ladies of the Journey, have flesh which is not made of paper, and blood that is certainly not ink. And the peculiarity extends to his two chief named heroines, Mrs. Shandy and the Widow.

Hippel’s novels, “Lebensläufe nach aufsteigender LinieandKreuz und Querzüge des Ritters A. bis Z.” were purely Shandean products in which a humor unmistakably imitated from Sterne struggles rather unsuccessfully with pedagogical seriousness. Jean Paul was undoubtedly indebted to Sterne for a part of his literary equipment, and his works afford proof both of his occupation with Sterne’s writings and its effect upon his own. A

The next which most attracts our attention is Contradiction, by the author of an Essay on Housekeepers but the present is not so Shandean as the last-mentioned paper; it has, however, many good points, and want of room alone prevents our transferring it. Then comes the Covenanters, a Scottish traditionary tale of fixing interest; the Publican's Dream, by Mr.

The portion of Shandy which is virtually a part of the Sentimental Journey, which Sterne, possibly to satisfy the demands of the publisher, thrust in to fill out volumes contracted for, was not long enough, nor distinctive enough in its use of sentiment, was too effectually concealed in its volume of Shandean quibbles, to win readers for the whole of Shandy, or to direct wavering attention through the mazes of Shandyism up to the point where the sentimental Yorick really takes up the pen and introduces the reader to the sad fate of Maria of Moulines.

Then in the intervals of pictured scenery and Shandean contemplation, to catch the preparation and the stir in the kitchen Procul, O procul este profani! These hours are sacred to silence and to musing, to be treasured up in the memory, and to feed the source of smiling thoughts hereafter.

Distinctly Shandean are the numerous digressions, as on imitation (p.

But, be these as they may, I think no one can censure me for appending, in pursuance of the expressed wish of his son, the Turkey merchant's name to his system, and pronouncing, without further preface, a short epitome of the "Shandean Philosophy of Nomenclature." To begin, then: the influence of our name makes itself felt from the very cradle.