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"I'm looking." "Then you see I've changed. You thought so when you came in. I'm young again; I've rested and got my complexion back. My hair's nice; I get time for regular shampoos now. I spend a lot of my time on myself. It's lovely. And my teeth, have you noticed them?" She set them together and opened her lips to show him all the gleamy whiteness between.

It was a real grievance to Ford that Sandy should have chosen the hour he did for indulging in such trivialities as hair-cuts and shampoos, while events of real importance were permitted to transpire unseen and unrecorded. Ford, when the grievance thrust itself keenly upon him, roused the recreant Sandy by pitilessly thrusting an elbow against his diaphragm.

With Folkstone and the war office well behind, my mind turned to submarines as a sunflower to the sun. Afterward I found that the thing to do is not to think about submarines. To think of politics, or shampoos, or of people one does not like, but not of submarines. They are like ghosts in that respect. They are perfectly safe and entirely innocuous as long as one thinks of something else.

But Bob's dye was an excellent quality and when we had finished he was still yellow, but a shade paler. It would require many shampoos before we could get him back to his original color. Fortunately Normandy is a country of brooks and each day we gave him a bath. We reached the top of a hill one morning and Mattia spied the Seine away ahead of us, winding in a large curve.

From the nature of his office he comes into closest contact with his master; he rubs his body with oil before bathing, and sometimes shampoos him, a practice which gradually induces idle, effeminate habits and eventually greatly incapacitates a man for the duties of an active life.

Now then, sir, I says; `if you please? And then I takes off his belts and his regimentals, gets him on the couch, and I rubs him and cracks him." "You did what?" cried Dick. "Massages him, sir; and him a-staring at me all the time. After that I shampoos and washes him, trims the pyntes off his hair, waxes his starshers, gives him a cigarette, and then I rejoices his heart."

"I wish that Irwin woman wouldn't always hang round our crowd," she said, one morning, as she and Kitty lay side by side in the cooling room after their baths, massages, manicures, and shampoos. "I don't want to be seen running with her." "Did you see the square emerald she wore last night?" "Fake. I know the clerk at the Synthetic Jewelry Company had it made up for her. She's cheap, I tell you.

Where there is a tendency in the hair to fall off on account of the weakness or sluggishness of the circulation, or an unhealthy state of the skin, cold water and friction with a tolerably stiff brush are probably the best remedial agents. BARBER'S SHAMPOOS. Are very beneficial if properly prepared. They should not be made too strong. Avoid strong shampoos of any kind.

Crossing over into Bureau County, I find splendid gravelled roads, and spend a most agreeable hour with the jolly Bicycle Club, of Princeton, the handsome county seat of Bureau County, Pushing on to Lamoille for the night, the enterprising village barber there hustles me into his cosey shop, and shaves, shampoos, shingles, bay-rums, and otherwise manipulates me, to the great enhancement of my personal appearance, all, so he says, for the honor of having lathered the chin of the "great and only " In fact, the Illinoisians seem to be most excellent folks.

That's the way with you people. I get you all your customers and then you neglect me for them." "Law! Mrs. Beckah, how cum you think that? Don't I give you and Miss Lilly shampoos for two bits when I chawges Mrs. Kemble three heads for a dollar?" "Yes, but what about the underwear and socks of Mr. Becker's that you get?" "I allas say I 'ain't got no bettah friend than Mrs. Beckah.