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Not even the sight of a bit of cracked brass let into a stone affords me what I call real happiness. I shock respectable sextons by the imperturbability I am able to assume before exciting inscriptions, and by my lack of enthusiasm for the local family history, while my ill-concealed anxiety to get outside wounds their feelings.

In short, what with Undertakers, Embalmers, Joiners, Sextons, and your Elegy hawkers upon a late practitioner in Physic and Astrology; I got not one wink of sleep that night, nor scarce a moment's rest ever since.

But if it should be raining hard " "It will still be the Lord's day. Your son can read and meditate." "But if it should be fair, and something else should keep us fum church, and he couldn't come up here, and should feel his loneliness " "Can't he visit some of our Suez friends Mary and Martha Salter, Doctor Coffin, or Parson Tombs, the Sextons, or Clay Mattox? I'm not puritanical, nor are they.

Our congregations are dying of asphyxia. In the name of all the best interests of the church, I indict one-half the sextons. He is the minister's blessing, the church's joy, a harbinger of the millennium. People come to church to have him help them up the aisle. He wears slippers.

"Precious careless of the sextons, if it is not!" grunted Ketch. "It is a door nobody ever thinks of going in at, my lord," returned Jenkins, as if he would apologize for the sextons' carelessness, should it be found unfastened. "If it is open, we might get to the bell." "The sextons, proud, stuck-up gentlemen, be made up of carelessness and anything else that's bad!" groaned Ketch.

It is a pride common among sextons. A cabinet-maker does not count his cabinets, nor even an author his volumes, save when they stare upon him from the shelves; but the grave-digger numbers his graves. He would indeed be something different from human if his solitary open-air and tragic labours left not a broad mark upon his mind.

He nodded to the blackened ruins, to the grim dead hand pointing to the sky, left where it was by the superstitious blood avengers. Wingate turned away and led the wagon train a half mile up the stream, pitching camp above the ford where the massacre had occurred. The duties of the clergy and the appointed sextons were completed. Silence and sadness fell on the encampment.

A lion with a bone in his throat, or a thorn in his foot, could not do better than be civil to a man. But Anthony's lions are asses in a lion's skin. What leonine motive could they have in turning sextons? A lion's business is to make corpses, not inter them."

And to whom belonged the right of prescribing laws and ordinances of public worship, of appointing preachers, church servants, schoolmasters, sextons? To the Holy Ghost inspiring the Class and the Synod, said the Church. To the civil authority, said the magistrates, by which the churches are maintained, and the salaries of the ecclesiastics paid.

The gibbet is slanting or perpendicular, no matter which; but the Mole, fixed by his hind-legs to the top of the twig, does not touch the soil; he hangs a few fingers'-breadths from the ground, out of the sextons' reach. What will they do now? Will they scrape at the foot of the gibbet in order to overturn it?