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The Confederate loss in killed, wounded, and prisoners about equaled mine, General Rodes being of the killed, while Generals Fitzhugh Lee and York were severely wounded. We captured five pieces of artillery and nine battle-flags.

I thought it was Rosie's dog." "It is not exactly for hurting the baby," he said; "if you had done that by accident, I should never think of punishing you for it: but for the fury of passion that betrayed you into doing it, I must punish you very severely.

They say you have not many more days to remain on earth, Barry; but surely we must feel the parting more severely we who have to remain in this world exposed to so many dangers, than you should, who have to go to that land of joy and rest." The young lieutenant shook his head. "It is hard for me to acknowledge that, dear Nora," he answered.

The austerity of his life and his known self-chastening vigils contributed to this effect. His severely formal, simple ecclesiastical dress, coarse in material but perfect in its saintly lines, separated him from the world in which he moved so unostentatiously and humbly, and marked him as one who went about doing good.

Small came down at once. She had bathed her face, which was still swollen, and though she looked severely at Swithin's trousers, for they were of light blue he had come straight from the club, where the news had reached him she wore a more cheerful expression than usual, the instinct for doing the wrong thing being even now too strong for her. Presently all five went up to look at the body.

"As he probably had no premonition of his doom, why should there have been any change in his manner?" This giving the coroner an opportunity to revenge himself for his discomfiture of a moment before, he said somewhat severely: "It is the business of a witness to answer questions, not to put them." The secretary flushed and the account stood even. "Very well, then, sir; if Mr.

The fustian cutters, who, in consequence of the large consumption of cotton velvet, are comparatively numerous, being estimated at from 3,000 to 4,000, have suffered very severely, indirectly, from the influence of the factory system. The goods formerly woven with hand-looms, were not perfectly uniform, and required a practised hand in cutting the single rows of threads.

It is more than probable that Napoleon Buonaparte's mental sufferings in St. Helena were very poignant. By a man of such unbounded ambition, and who had once aimed at universal dominion, captivity must have been severely felt.

This so excellent and highly esteemed work was however severely criticised by one of the most learned men of the last century.

Southern intellect seems steeped in a lethargy from which we are most faithfully endeavoring to arouse it." "The article to which I allude also animadverted severely upon the practice of Southern authors patronizing Northern publishing establishments?" "Most certainly it treated the subject stringently." He moved uneasily.