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He rode into market one day of the week; he went to church on Sundays with unfailing regularity, and he generally attended the petty sessional bench on a third day. Upon the bench, from the long standing of his family, he occupied a prominent position. His mind invariably seized the minutiae of the evidence, and never seemed to see the point or the broad bearings of the case.

The Irish in America, by John F. Maguire, M.P. London, 1868, p. 110. Quoted in Report of Committee of the House of Lords on Colonization from Ireland in 1847, p. vii. Quoted in Report of Committee of the House of Lords on "Colonization from Ireland" in 1847, p. 10. Sessional Papers, 1846, No. 24. Sessional Papers, 1835.

The House of Commons Press Gallery Disraeli as Orator The Story of the Dry Champagne The Labour Member Dr Kenealy's Fiasco Mr Newdigate's Eloquence Lord Beaconsfield's Success "Stone-walling" Robert Lowe's Classics The Press Gallery and Mr Gladstone. I forget precisely how it came about that I secured my first sessional appointment in the gallery of the House of Commons.

The old man was delighted to find some one who would sit with him through the long hours of Petty Sessional business. Thus it was that the people who had to attend the Local Board, whether it was a Saturday, the principal day, or whether it was a Tuesday, that had previously been so trying, found their business facilitated by the attendance of two magistrates.

You leave me to conduct your fellow-smugglers' case, to look after your sweetheart, and to make myself generally useful. By-the-way, that touch about my pleading his cause in my riding-boots, and with a sessional air about me, is worthy of the great Verdoni. Neither is that a bad hit about my Christianity stopping at the Dane-dike.

The Urbarium of Maria Theresa was, in short, the stand-point in all these arrangements, whether it was the sessional lands of tenants formerly held in hereditary use, now freehold, or the allodium of the noble.

By his side the Registrar's clerk from time to time makes notes in a ponderous volume which contains a minute and exact record of every claim. Opposite, and at each end, the lawyers have their chairs and strew the table with their papers. As a rule a higher class of lawyers appear in the County Court than before the Petty Sessional Bench.

Trapp I was bound, early next week, before the magistrates sitting in petty sessional division, to serve him and to receive from him proper sustenance and clothing until the age of twenty-one. Mr. Scougall arrived in time to pilot me through these formalities and hand me over to Mr.

'I shall see you to-morrow, at Tregantick? Tregantick is the centre of the eight parishes included in our Petty Sessional Division, and the seat of such justice as I and seven others help Sir Felix to administer. 'Oh, assuredly, said I. I watched his carriage as it rounded the bend of the road, and so faced about to return to the village.