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Not H. J. Boulton, who had several months before departed for Newfoundland, but George Strange Boulton, one of the members for Durham. See the Advocate of February 13th, 1834. Mackenzie, in the Advocate, says "full seven hours," but he did not reach the Assembly Chamber until nearly half-past three in the afternoon, and the House adjourned at 9.30 for want of a quorum. See the sessional journal.

Without entering upon the vexed question of women's rights, we may nevertheless urge it as an indisputable physiological fact that, when compelled to stand for long hours, women, especially young women, are exposed to greater injury and greater suffering than men. British Sessional Papers. Vol. Report from Select Committee on Shop Hours Regulation Bill Witness, W. Abbott, M.D.

The Sessional Reports of the Old Bailey Trials for 1758, p. 278, contain a report of the trial. The Chief Justice Willes was in the Commission, but, according to the Report, it was before the Recorder that Bet Flint was tried. It may easily be, however, that either the reporter or the printer has blundered.

He had met his employer at Marseilles in October, when Lord Medenham landed from Africa; during the preceding twelve months his license had been indorsed three times for exceeding the speed limit on the Brighton Road, and he had paid £40 in fines and costs to various petty sessional courts in Surrey and Sussex. Sunday, therefore, promised developments.

AT the district town of N. in the cinnamon-coloured government house in which the Zemstvo, the sessional meetings of the justices of the peace, the Rural Board, the Liquor Board, the Military Board, and many others sit by turns, the Circuit Court was in session on one of the dull days of autumn.

But sprawling and ill-written as many of the signatures were to the 'Round Robin' the pen held by heavy hands yet they were genuine, and constituted a very substantial fact, that must be yielded to. Perhaps the magistrate most regular in his attendance at a certain country Petty Sessional Court is young Squire Marthorne.

At this Hertford Petty Sessional Division the chairman was a somewhat pompous clergyman, but very devoted to his duties.

"Then it naturally follows, does it not, that this is a very serious matter in the interest of the nation as a whole, apart from the immediate injury to the person concerned?" "Yes. As regards the physical condition of the future race." British Sessional Papers. Vol. Report from the Select Committee on Shops. Early Closing Bill Witness, Dr.

For, as Dean Elderberry Foible, the head of the faculty, said, the motion that they had before them amounted practically to a revolution. The proposal was nothing less than the permission of the use of lead-pencils instead of pen and ink in the sessional examinations of the university.

Why, they were trying to trample upon one of the sessional orders and to abrogate the forms of the House in order to coerce the Irish people.