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A leading member of the Assembly, M. Rabaut de St. Étienne, has expressed the principle of all their proceedings as clearly as possible; nothing can be more simple: "Tous les établissemens en France couronnent le malheur du peuple: pour le rendre heureux, il faut le renouveler, changer ses idées, changer ses loix, changer ses mœurs, ... changer les hommes, changer les choses, changer ses mots, ... tout détruire; oui, tout détruire; puisque tout est

And by and by Ted wiped his eyes and put his arm round the gal's waist and ses "'This is my intended, Miss Florrie Price, he ses. 'Ain't she a little wonder? Wot d'ye think of 'er? "'I'll keep my own opinion, I ses. 'I ain't got nothing to say against gals, but if I only lay my hands on that young brother of 'ers'

"You get outside afore you're hurt," ses the bar-man. Bill punched at 'im over the bar, and not being able to reach 'im threw Peter's pot o' beer at 'im. There was a fearful to-do then, and the landlord jumped over the bar and stood in the doorway, whistling for the police. Bill struck out right and left, and the men in the bar went down like skittles, Peter among them.

On'y men as belonged was allowed to feel the turkey and the goose, and arter a time Smith said as 'ow p'r'aps they'd better leave off, and 'e put all the things back in the hamper and fastened up the lid. "How are we going to draw the lottery?" ses John Biggs, the blacksmith. "There'll be twenty-three bits o' paper," ses Smith, "and they'll be numbered from one to twenty-three.

"You and Charlie'll go now," ses Dixon, taking out some money. "The old man can stay on for a month to give 'im time to look round. Don't look at me that way, else I'll knock your 'ead off." He started counting out Bob's money just as old Burge and Mrs. Dixon, hearing all quiet, came in out of the kitchen.

"Going to wot?" ses old Isaac, drawing 'imself up and looking very shocked. "A music-'all," ses Ginger, trying to keep 'is temper. "A music-'all," ses Isaac; "why, it's worse than a pub, Ginger. I should be a very poor friend o' yours if I let you go there I couldn't think of it." "Wot's it got to do with you, you gray-whiskered serpent?" screams Ginger, arf mad with rage.

He kissed 'is dirty paw which is more than I should 'ave liked to 'ave done it if it 'ad been mine and waved it, and the gal turned round and shook her 'ead at 'im. "Here, that'll do," ses Joseph, very cross. "That's my gal; that's my Emily." "Eh?" says the cook. "Well, 'ow was I to know? Besides, you're a-giving of her up." Joseph didn't answer 'im.

Cook, "and now you can go." "You're pi'soning the air of my front parlour," ses old Cook, opening the winder a little at the top. "P'r'aps I ain't so bad as you think I am," ses Jack Bates, still looking at Emma, and with that 'e walked over to Charlie and dumped down the money on the table in front of 'im. "Take it," he ses, "and don't borrow any more. I make you a free gift of it.

But as they went downstairs together whom should they meet but the dentist qui a oublie ses carnets. And he was so disappointed at meeting his beautiful but deceitful mistress that he didn't visit her again for three or four days. His anger mattered very little to Mary.

"'I'll Cap'n Tarbell 'er when I get in! ses my wife. 'You too. I'll music-'all you! I'll learn you to go gallivanting about! Open the door!