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Friends and acquaintances stopped to tell her how well she sang. But the words that one short year ago would have filled her with overwhelming pride in her own talent were soon crowded from her thoughts and there reigned there the words of the speaker, "No man has reached true greatness save he serves." She had learned great things at that Feast of Roses service.

It serves to carry necessary comforts, gives an expedition greater facility for securing its collections, and is of inconceivable advantage in many other respects. Constant and most earnest attention should be paid to the issue of provisions, on the discreet management of which so much depends, and the charge of them should be committed to the second in command.

He was watching Nayland Smith, and revealing his irregular yellow teeth the teeth of an opium smoker in the awful mirthless smile which I knew. "God!" whispered Smith "the Six Gates!" "The knowledge of my beautiful country serves you well," replied Fu-Manchu gently. Instantly I looked to my friend... and every drop of blood seemed to recede from my heart, leaving it cold in my breast.

Looking at his features, we feel as if we knew him better, and were more closely related to him. Such a portrait, hung up before us daily, at our meals and during our leisure hours, unconsciously serves to lift us up and sustain us. It is a link that in some way binds us to a higher and nobler nature.

BOSWELL. 'I am well assured that the people of Otaheite who have the bread tree, the fruit of which serves them for bread, laughed heartily when they were informed of the tedious process necessary with us to have bread; plowing, sowing, harrowing, reaping, threshing, grinding, baking. JOHNSON. 'Why, Sir, all ignorant savages will laugh when they are told of the advantages of civilized life.

They have a captain, and regular officers under him; and a flag hoisted on a pole in the centre serves as a signal. When hauled down, it is a sign that the march is to be continued. When the whole body was on the move, it reminded us of a caravan in the East, with the long line of carts winding along over the plain, and the horsemen galloping about on either side.

'I am an unprofitable servant, says the man who has done his duty; but his lord, coming unexpectedly, and finding him at his post, girds himself, and makes him sit down to meat, and comes forth and serves him. How could the divine order of things, founded for growth and gradual betterment, hold and proceed without the notion of return for a thing done? Must there be only current and no tide?

The sympathetic system serves to bring all portions of the animal economy into direct sympathy with one another. The Brain as a Whole. The brain is the seat of the intellect, the will, the affections, the emotions, the memory, and sensation. It has also many other and complex functions.

They judge only from the surface: they would acquit, perhaps, those whom they condemn; they would strike him whom they suffer to escape. But they cannot, I confess, do otherwise. Nevertheless, they ought to neglect nothing that serves to disclose the heart of man.

Around these branches the gray matter is arranged in a beautiful manner, suggesting the leaves of a tree: hence its name, arbor vitæ, or the tree of life. The functions of the cerebellum are not certainly known. It appears to influence the muscles of the body so as to regulate their movements; that is, it serves to bring the various muscular movements into harmonious action.