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He, at least, would never repose confidence in him, having been deceived too often. The King cherished the maxim, 'hereticis non est servanda fides; as for himself he was 'calbo y calbanista, and meant to die so. The formal interchange of documents soon afterwards took place. The conversation thus held between the different parties shows, however, the exact position of, affairs.

Moreover, that solid apothegm, 'haereticis non servanda fides, the most serviceable anchor ever forged for true believers, was always ready to be thrown out, should storm or quicksand threaten, during the intricate voyage to be now undertaken. John Neyen soon returned to the Hague, having persuaded his masters that it was best to affect compliance with the preliminary demand of the States.

He, at least, would never repose confidence in him, having been deceived too often. The King cherished the maxim, 'hereticis non est servanda fides; as for himself he was 'calbo y calbanista, and meant to die so. The formal interchange of documents soon afterwards took place. The conversation thus held between the different parties shows, however, the exact position of, affairs.

Moreover, that solid apothegm, 'haereticis non servanda fides, the most serviceable anchor ever forged for true believers, was always ready to be thrown out, should storm or quicksand threaten, during the intricate voyage to be now undertaken. John Neyen soon returned to the Hague, having persuaded his masters that it was best to affect compliance with the preliminary demand of the States.

He, at least, would never repose confidence in him, having been deceived too often. The King cherished the maxim, 'hereticis non est servanda fides; as for himself he was 'calbo y calbanista, and meant to die so. The formal interchange of documents soon afterwards took place. The conversation thus held between the different parties shows, however, the exact position of, affairs.

Moreover, that solid apothegm, 'haereticis non servanda fides, the most serviceable anchor ever forged for true believers, was always ready to be thrown out, should storm or quicksand threaten, during the intricate voyage to be now undertaken. John Neyen soon returned to the Hague, having persuaded his masters that it was best to affect compliance with the preliminary demand of the States.

Worse than all, there was no more any gallows or pillory, or even stocks, pro libertate servanda, as the jurors quaintly remark. Yet the records show that at Hockham things had gone on pretty much as before since the big house was deserted.

Moreover, that solid apothegm, 'haereticis non servanda fides, the most serviceable anchor ever forged for true believers, was always ready to be thrown out, should storm or quicksand threaten, during the intricate voyage to be now undertaken. John Neyen soon returned to the Hague, having persuaded his masters that it was best to affect compliance with the preliminary demand of the States.

He, at least, would never repose confidence in him, having been deceived too often. The King cherished the maxim, 'hereticis non est servanda fides; as for himself he was 'calbo y calbanista, and meant to die so. The formal interchange of documents soon afterwards took place. The conversation thus held between the different parties shows, however, the exact position of, affairs.

Alfonso, I consider, would take the same view of the "justa causa" as the Anglican divines; he speaks of it as "quicunque finis honestus, ad servanda bona spiritui vel corpori utilia;" which is very much the view which they take of it, judging by the instances which they give. In all cases, however, and as contemplated by all authors, Clement of Alexandria, or Milton, or St.