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"I was talking to Sergeant Brogden the new gas N.C.O. last night. He comes from Middleton Junction. He says that he was in the Church Lads Brigade at St. Gabriel's. "I have been reading the leading article about popular scapegoats in the Church Times, and I agree with it.

"Oh! you shall know all, colonel; I have no secrets from you." Then, turning to the little group, Cadoudal called: "Coeur-de-Roi!" The man with the stripes on his sleeves left the group, and came to Cadoudal. "Did you call me, general?" asked the pretended sergeant. "Yes, I want to know your plan." "Oh! general, it is very simple." "Let me judge of that."

Conversing thus, we reached a large river, which, the sergeant told us, was the Main, and near it, upon our road, was a little village. We did not know the name of the village, but there we halted. We entered the houses, and those who could bought some brandy, wine, and bread. Those who had no money crunched their ration of biscuits, and gazed wistfully at their more fortunate comrades.

If the sergeant or the lieutenant were here they would know what to do; but they are both at the castle only two other soldiers are at the gates with me. Wait, and I will send one of them for the lieutenant." "No," interposed the American. "You will send for no one, my man. Come closer look at my face." The soldier approached, holding his lantern above his head.

On the march this involves drawing sacks of forage from the Quartermaster Sergeant in the early morning and late evening, and serving out the oats to the drivers of the sub-division.

The officer in command of the troops that had just passed had demanded the way of him, and he had but stepped a few paces from his post to point out the road to his superior. The sergeant grunted and ordered him to fall in. Another man took his place on duty.

As he spoke, I remembered that the Mayor of Phalsbourg had received the cross for having gone to meet the Empress Marie Louise in carriages garlanded with flowers, singing old songs, and I thought his method much preferable to that of Sergeant Pinto.

Had it not been so he might have left the matron at home; for Loni and everybody in the company knew that she never troubled herself about gossip. Last year she had obtained a leave of absence from Loni, who was making a tour of the little Frank towns, and spent the carnival season in revelry with a sergeant of the Nurembreg soldiers.

The seven pounder and the other Maxim were completely isolated, some distance up the path. The existence of the stockade was only discovered as the undergrowth was cut away by the rain of bullets. The officer commanding D company which had been the rear guard all this time and, consequently, had not suffered was in hammock with fever, and Colour Sergeant Mackenzie was in command.

He had wearied, it seems, of Woolwich, and one fine day, with a companion, slipped up to London for a spree. I have a suspicion that spree was meant to be a long one; but God disposes all things; and one morning, near Westminster Bridge, whom should he come across but the very sergeant who had recruited him at first! What followed? He himself indicated cavalierly that he had then resigned.