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John should act as captain of our father's, and Domingos of ours. Our goods were quickly conveyed on board. We found that Senhor Pimento had sent a supply of farinha, as well as several turtles and other provisions, on board each of them, as a mark, he said, of his good-will. We bade him and Senhora Josefa and their two daughters farewell. Pedro accompanied us down to the canoe.

His mouth was a wide, uncertain slit. In his hand he carried a light cane and a silk hat of the flat-brimmed French type. And he wore a gray sack suit, pressed and creased with painful exactness. "Come in, Senhor Poritol," said Orme, motioning toward a chair. The little man entered, with short, rapid steps.

Senhor Ferrao received us with his usual kindness, and gave us a bountiful breakfast. During the day the principal men of the place called, and were unanimously of opinion that the free natives would willingly cultivate large quantities of cotton, could they find purchasers. They had in former times exported largely both cotton and cloth to Manica and even to Brazil.

I am Padre no longer, but Senhor Carlos Caramuru, a merchant. Yet I know not what to do. When I look round upon my country, and see how they know not the precious word of God, my heart burns in me, and I sometimes think that it is my duty to go forth and preach." "No doubt ye are right," said Barney.

To say truth, I had myself become impressed with the feeling that I was born to be one of the old bachelors of the world and I cannot say that the doom gave me much concern. But now well, if you understand me, senhor, I need not explain, and if you don't understand, explanation is useless! Mariquita was left alone in the wide world.

"The sea of long yellow-brown grass and thistles," he added, "gets to be rather monotonous at last; but I never weary of the feeling of immensity and freedom which it inspires. Come, dine with us, senhor." Lawrence gladly accepted the invitation. "We make but a brief halt," said the colonel, "for time presses and distances are great.

He now looked bright and cheerful, and a smile played over his features such as I had never before seen them wear. After being introduced to my mother and sisters, and Senhor Pimento's family, he hurried up to Arthur, and as he threw his arms round his neck tears burst from his eyes, but they were evidently tears of joy.

"Senhor Silva surely must know," I observed, "and he told us positively that she was a man-of-war." When we got near the schooner the boat cast-off, Senhor Silva saying that he would go on board, and send her back for us. "I wish I had gone with them," observed Stanley on hearing this. "I do not like their appearing on board a strange vessel without David or me to protect them."

There is booty to be got here among the hills; and whether the soldiers belong to the well-trained battalions of Chili, or the wretched levies of Peru, they are always prepared, for plunder ready to make hay while the sun shines. I only hope, Senhor Armstrong, that but come, let us advance and see before the sun sets."

At this point I said: "Senhor Lactancio, in calling painting dumb poetry it seems to me that the poets did not know how to paint well, because, if they understood how much more painting declares and speaks than poetry, her sister, they would not say it was dumb, and I will maintain rather that poetry is the more dumb."