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'And ex But Twemlow, in his demolished state, cannot command the word, and trails off into actly so. 'Mr Twemlow, your word will have weight with her pompous, self-blinded father. You know how much he makes of your family. Lose no time. Warn him. 'But warn him against whom? 'Against me. By great good fortune Twemlow receives a stimulant at this critical instant.

Oh, he would rouse the hearts of men from paltry greed and covetousness, . . from lust, and hatred, and all things evil, no matter if he lost his own life in the effort, he would still do his utmost best to lift, if only in a small degree, the deepening weight of self-wrought agony from self-blinded mankind! Yes! ... he must work to fulfil the commands and deserve the blessings of Edris!

A woman in this position will descend, self-blinded, to acts of meanness which would be revolting to her if they were related of another person. Stella had already begun the process of self-degradation by writing secretly to Winterfield. It was only to warn him of the danger of trusting Father Benwell but it was a letter, claiming him as her accomplice in an act of deception.

Through the lips of the self-blinded Oedipus, Sophocles makes mention of this secret place. Within it are hidden marvellous joy, sweet necessity, the highest wisdom. As the poor fellow lay silently on his bed, the special conception that arose in his mind was that of Christ walking on the waves of the raging sea, quelling the storm.

To which he received the curt reply: 'Thaa con pleeas thisel. Mr. Penrose knelt by the bedside of the poor mammon-worshipper self-blinded and hardened by the god of this world and with a full soul cried: 'Merciful Father!

I sat for a long while thinking, and when I remembered the sin and shame and misery which an unrighteous marriage for as such it would be held in Erewhon would entail, I became thoroughly ashamed of myself for having been so long self-blinded.

Satan, and his colleagues, self-blinded, suppose that they can war with and overcome even Christ and His hosts of saints; and, determined to do this: "the kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against His Anointed." Psa. ii. 2.

We live by love, we die for love, and yet we never find it, but only selfishness dressed up in love's mask.... And then we take up with that, poor, fond, self-blinded creatures that we are! and in spite of the poisoned hearts around us, persuade ourselves that our latest asp's egg, at least, will hatch into a dove, and that though all men are faithless, our own tyrant can never change, for he is more than man!

He was a species of self-blinded human-horse that walked the everlasting round of a business-mill of his own creating. It is almost unnecessary to add that he was selfish to the back-bone, and that the only individual who did not see the fact was himself.

And so on, all through our hypocritical and self-blinded life. Through such stages, and to such a finish, does the formalist pass from his thoughtless and neglected youth to his hardened, blinded, self-seeking life, spent in the ostensible service of the church of Christ. If the light that is in such men be darkness, how great is that darkness!