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She was open, ardent, and not in the least self-admiring; indeed, it was pretty to see how her imagination adorned her sister Celia with attractions altogether superior to her own, and if any gentleman appeared to come to the Grange from some other motive than that of seeing Mr.

When for a drunken Sot, that had kind hours, And taking their own freedoms, left you yours; 'Twas your delib'rate choice your days to pass With a damn'd, sober, self-admiring Ass, Who thinks good usage for the Sex unfit, And slights ye out of Sparkishness and Wit. But you can fit him Let a worse Fool come, If he neglect, to officiate in his room.

Let it be the teeming mother or the new-born babe the teething infant or the fractious child the dirty, pin-before urchin or sampler-spoiling girl school-boy lout or sapling Miss voice-broken, self-admiring hobby-de-hoy, or expanding conscious and blushing maiden, the whole arcana of nature and of art has been revealed to them alone.

No, indeed; most far from perfect. He had within him an inner, stubborn, self-admiring pride, which made him believe himself to be better and higher than those around him, and this from some unknown cause which he could hardly explain to himself.

The unpainted wash-stand seemed to poise itself uneasily upon its three remaining legs the mirror had evidently been the resort of an army of self-admiring flies, who had left their marks upon its leaden surface until reflection was impossible two hard and uncomfortable-looking chairs and a bed, every feature of which was a sonorous protest against being slept upon completed the provisions which had been made for his entertainment and comfort.

Sanguine spirits who throw out acclamations of self-thanking, self-admiring, With, at every mile run taster, O the wondrous, wondrous age, are apt to forget that the electric light can do nothing to dispel the darkness of the mind; that there are strict limits to the power of prosperity to supply man's wants or satisfy his aspirations. This is a great part of Carlyle's teaching.

But how can we love a man or a woman who is cruel and unjust to us? who sears with contempt, or cuts off with wrong every tendril we would put forth to embrace? who is mean, unlovely, carping, uncertain, self-righteous, self-seeking, and self-admiring? who can even sneer, the most inhuman of human faults, far worse in its essence than mere murder? These things cannot be loved.

Let it be the teeming mother or the new-born babe the teething infant or the fractious child the dirty, pinafored urchin or sampler-spoiling girl school-boy lout or sapling Miss voice-broken, self-admiring hobby-de-hoy, or expanding conscious and blushing maiden, the whole arcana of nature and of art has been revealed to them alone.

The scarlet handkerchief was still tied about his head, but it was tied now with a grace that might have done credit to the most dandified matador in the Havana ring. His jacket was neatly mended; altogether, Pepe was once more a self-respecting, even a self-admiring youth.

They were very strong, but always in a minority, like some great continental powers, who have the finest army in the world, and yet get always beaten. Would that band of self-admiring geniuses, who had upset every cabinet with whom they were ever connected, return on the shoulders of the people, as they always dreamed, though they were always the persons of whom the people never seemed to think?