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"First Tripoli, and not far from it are palms of El-Hamabaj, and a mosque El-Kajeej. You then proceed to Gargash, in which are palms, and along the road the Kesar Jahaly. And you proceed to Seid, where are palms and the Indian fig. You go on to Zaweeah, where are palms, houses, and a Kesar for troops, and a Zaweeah for the reading of The Sublime Koran, and mosques.

William Willshire seemed to them almost the best man who ever lived; though my boy had secretly a greater fondness for the Arab, Sidi Hamet, who was kind to Captain Riley and kept his brother Seid from ill-treating him whenever he could. Probably the boy liked him better because the Arab was more picturesque than the Englishman.

"No human hand ever kindled that flame, which announces the presence of the Dead," said Hilda, with a tremulous voice; "though seldom, uncompelled by the seid and the rune, does the spectre itself warn the eyes of the living." "What shape, or what shadow of shape, does that spectre assume?"

The Ulemas, first of all, chose Damadzadi, but he declining the dignity on the plea of illness, they chose in his stead the Cadi of Medina, and for want of a white mantle invested him with a green one. After that they elected from amongst themselves Seid Mohammed and Damadzadi, to receive the secret message of the Sultan from the Kizlar-Aga and deliver it to Halil Patrona.

For instance, he asked us once during an argument about translations of Shakespeare to compare the lines: "You are my true and honorable wife, As dear to me as are the ruddy drops That visit my sad heart." with the German: "Ihr seid mein echtes, ehrenwertes Weib, So teuer mir, als wie die Purpurtropfen Die um mein trauernd Herz sich drangen."

Seid had fallen in the War of Tabûc, the first of Mohammed's fightings with the Greeks. Mohammed said, It was well; Seid had done his Master's work, Seid had now gone to his Master: it was all well with Seid. Yet Seid's daughter found him weeping over the body; the old gray-haired man melting in tears! "What do I see?" said she. "You see a friend weeping over his friend."

Generous things are recorded of him: when he lost his Daughter, the thing he answers is, in his own dialect, everyway sincere, and yet equivalent to that of Christians, "The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away; blessed be the name of the Lord." He answered in like manner of Seid, his emancipated well-beloved Slave, the second of the believers.

O happy grooms, not clean as to shirts, nor especially neat in your conversation, but displaying a Wealth of art in India-ink upon your manly chests and the swelling muscles of your arms, and speaking in every movement your freedom from all conventional gyves and shackles, "seid umschlungen!" in spirit; for the rest, you are rather too damp, and seem to have applied your sudsy sponges too impartially to your own trousers and the horses' legs to receive an actual embrace from a dilettante vagabond.

Thy seid and thy galdra have not guarded me against peril, nor armed me against sin. Nay, perchance but peace: I will no more tempt the dark art, I will no more seek to disentangle the awful truth from the juggling lie. All so foretold me I will seek to forget, hope from no prophecy, fear from no warning. Let the soul go to the future under the shadow of God!"

At noon, we got upon undulating ground, a great part of which was under cultivation, with here and there sheep and cattle grazing. This undulating ground is sometimes called the fertile plain of El-Jumr. Wady Seid is now quite dry, but evidently has a strong and large current during the winter rains.