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"Mr. Leggett, befo' I comes to dat finality, I owes it to myseff an' likewise to my pa'ents to git yo' respondence to, anyhow, one question, an' ef you de man o' poweh you say you is, y' ought to be highly fitt'n' to give de correc' reply." "Espoun' your question, miss! Espoun' yo' question!" "Well, seh, de question is dis: Why is de ? No, dat ain't it. Lemme see.

Shall I go along to be on hand if you need me?" "No, seh!" stormed the irate master; and the chief clerk's face became instantly expressive of the keenest relief. "You stay right heah and see that the wires to Qua'tz Creek are kept open wide open, seh. And when you get an ordeh from me for an engine, a regiment of the National Gyua'd, or a train-load of white elephants you fill it.

I had been very much awake, but was nearly gone to sleep again, when the door creaked and the Virginian stood by the Doctor's side. "Are you awake, seh?" "What? What's that? What is it?" "Excuse me, seh. The enemy is winning on me. I'm feeling less inward opposition to sin." The lamp was lighted, and I listened to some further exhortations. They must have taken half an hour.

We've eaten all the mules and rats and sugar cane in town." Whereupon he drew from his hip a dented silver flask. The Colonel remarked that Stephen's eyes fell on the coat of arms. "Prope'ty of my grandfather, seh, of Washington's Army. My name is Jennison, Catesby Jennison, at your service, seh," he said. "You have the advantage of me, Captain." "My name is Brice," said Stephen.

"You ain't heard me kicking any, have you?" the man made sullen answer. "Not out loud," said Briscoe significantly, his eyes narrowing after a trick they had when he was most on his guard. "I reckon my remarks will be plumb audible when I've got any kick to register, seh." "I hope not, Mr. Johnson.

The divine at last sprang upright. "I am armed," he said. "Take care. Who are you?" "You can lay down your gun, seh. I feel like my spirit was going to bear witness. I feel like I might get an enlightening." He was using some of the missionary's own language. The baffling I had been treated to by Scipio melted to nothing in this.

I couldn't say it befo' March, who's got family reasons through his motheh faw savin' Garnet whateveh he can of his splendid reputaation, but I'm mighty 'fraid they won't be a rag of it left, seh, big enough for a gun-wad! Mr. Fair, you've got a hahd drive befo' you, seh, an' if you'll allow me to suggest it, seh, I think it would be only wise, befo' you staht, faw us to take a drink, seh."

Well, seh, he screeched that awful I run out of the bunk-house; and he jus' went over the fence and took down Sunk Creek shoutin' fire, right along. He has never come back." "There's a hen over there now that has no judgment," I said, indicating Em'ly. She had got herself outside the house, and was on the bars of a corral, her vociferations reduced to an occasional squawk.

In the days that followed I saw that Clem was regarding me with an embarrassed, troubled look. Something of weight lay upon his mind. Nor was it easy, to make him speak, but I achieved this at last. "Well, seh, Mahstah Majah, yo'-all see, Ah ain't eveh told Miss Cahline that yo's a Majah in th' Nawthun ahmy." "No?" I said. "No, seh; Ah ain't even said yo's been a common soljah." "Well?"

Don't tell me you couldn't know what the decision of the cou't was going to be before it was handed down: that's what you-all are heah for to find out these things! And what is all this about Majah Eva'ts resigning, and the Utah's sending East for a professional right-of-way fighteh to take his place? Who is this new man? Don't know? Dammit, seh! it's your business to know!