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She's doing the most useful work she ever did in her life, and it's helping her as much as it's helping him " They had a day nurse, but Helen had insisted upon doing the night work herself. There were sedatives to be given, bandages to be kept moist. Mary wanted to stay up, too, but Helen didn't like that.

The sedatives that have been administered are taking effect, and I trust she will soon fall asleep. "As you requested, I have made my arrangements for staying here tonight, and I trust that, by the morning, we shall have her convalescent." Mr. Wilks had gone down, the first thing in the morning, to see James, and found him up and about as usual.

Listlessly the Senior Surgeon re-commenced his yearly vigil. Up and down, up and down, round and round, on and on and on, through interminable dusks to unattainable dawns, a glutted, bacchanalian Soul sweating its own way back to sanctity and leanness! Nerves always were in that vigil, raw, rattling nerves clamoring vociferously to be repacked in their sedatives.

I can't make a guess at the other things. I say, Gaisford, will this make me sleep?" A hint of despair in his voice was not lost on the doctor. "I hope so. It will tone up your nervous system. But it's only for a week, mind! That's the limit of your reprieve before you go away. Don't imagine that stimulants and sedatives take the place of natural food or rest.

To do so is often but to make a beginning of the end. How many bright lights in the dramatic and musical professions have been prematurely quenched through indulgence in the delusive draught! If tonics, sedatives, etc., are to be taken, which should not be a habitual practice, they should be used only under the direction of a medical man, and not self-prescribed.

Such sedatives may reduce the pulse, but do not shorten the disease. Indeed, if it is possible to prove the absurdity of anything more clearly by mere enumeration of these medicines as cures for rheumatism, I do not know of it. Do digitalis and aconite act in the same manner? This is just one expression of the folly which surrounded the use of digitalis at the time of its discovery.

The night had been passed in a succession of paroxysms, and they were almost sure to return upon her, especially as he could get her to swallow none of the sedatives which might have carried her in unconsciousness past the fatal moment.

"I am not referring to THEM," said the doctor, still smiling; "but you know a woman's sympathy and presence in a sickroom is often the best of tonics or sedatives." Miss Trotter raised her eyes to the speaker with a half critical impatience. "The fact is," the doctor went on, "I have a favor to ask of you for our patient.