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"Something nice for supper, Kitty, my dear, and the largest punch-bowl. You like punch, Jack?" "Punch, Austin!" said Uncle Jack, putting his handkerchief to his eyes. The Captain pushed aside the dumb-waiter, strode across the room, and shook hands with Uncle Jack; my mother buried her face in her apron, and fairly ran off; and Squills said in my ear, "It all comes of the biliary secretions.

The most serious epidemic occurred in the latter part of the '70's, and the last one in 1900-'01. Influenza is present in the principal horse centers in a somewhat attenuated form. The specific cause of the disease has never been determined. The virus is present in the expired air, nasal secretions and excreta. Close proximity to a diseased animal is not necessary in order to contract the disease.

Normally, there is a certain fixed ratio of the salts in the blood, which keeps them like the ratio in sea-water. Again, we have an example of the curious atavism of the internal secretions. The thyroid, remember, keeps the iodine concentration of the blood like that of the ocean, our original habitat.

And lastly it would seem, that all the glands in the body have their secreted fluids affected, in quantity and quality, by the pleasurable or painful sensations, which produce or accompany those secretions.

Needham in the milt or male organ of a species of cuttle fish, called calmar; the former, or living animalcula, are found in both male and female secretions, in the infusions of seeds, as of pepper, in the jelly of roasted veal, and in all other animal and vegetable substances.

The next act shows her thirty years later when, as an elderly spinster, she is passing through the climacteric, and is in the state of sexual hyperesthesia some women are afflicted with before the menopause. It is as if the ovaries and the accessory sex internal secretions erupt into a sort of final geyser before they are exhausted.

From the introverted layer, or hypoblast, are developed the alimentary canal and those parts of its appended organs, liver, pancreas, &c., which are concerned in delivering their secretions into the alimentary canal, as well as the linings of those ramifying tubes in the lungs which convey air to the places where gaseous exchange is effected.

The skin is influenced in its color, moisture, hairiness, texture, fat content and disease vulnerability by the endocrines. The question of color is very interesting, for it is probably the expression of the blending action of the different internal secretions.

The art of medicine would appear to be at the present time in China much in the state in which it existed in Europe in the sixteenth century, when the excretions and secretions of all manner of animals, saurians, and venomous snakes and insects, and even live bugs, were administered to patients.

Destiny is always ironic. For the deficiency of the internal secretions which made him eligible for glory was responsible as well as for his downfall. In the annals of genius, there occur a number of instances of those who suffered from attacks that have been diagnosed epilepsy or migraine.