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The great ennead of Heliopolis consisted of Shu, Tefnut, Seb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Set, Nebhat, and Horus; there were also secondary and tertiary enneads of lesser gods. When the sun-god Atmu became prominent, Horus was omitted and the eight other gods were called children of Atmu, who headed the group, as in the Pyramid texts.

Thou art the eldest son of the womb of Nut, thou wast engendered by Seb, the Ancestor of the gods, thou art the lord of the Crowns of the North and of the South, and of the lofty white crown. As Prince of the gods and of men thou hast received the crook, and the whip, and the dignity of thy divine fathers. "Homage to thee, O thou King of kings, Lord of lords, Prince of Princes!

One legend identifies him with the goose, the bird which, in later times was sacred to him, and he is often called the "Great Cackler," in allusion to the idea that he made the primeval egg from which the world came into being. NUT was the wife of Seb and the mother of Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys.

The sovereignty of thy father Seb hath, been given unto thee, and the goddess Nut, thy mother, who gave birth to the gods, brought thee forth as the firstborn, of five gods, and created thy beauties and fashioned thy members. Life is with thee, and offerings of meat and drink follow thee, and that which is thy due is offered up before thy face."

SEB, man-headed, the son of Shu, the personification of the earth. NUT, woman-headed, the female counterpart of the gods Nu and Seb; she was the personification of the primeval water, and later of the sky. ISIS, woman-headed, the sister-wife of Osiris, and mother of Horus. NEPHTHYS, woman-headed, the sister-wife of Osiris, and mother of Anubis.

The astrologers computed that even as I had been born under the fortunate sign of Amman, so thy birth had been watched over by the rise of the awful planet Seb.

Thy father Tmu has made thee this beautiful crown as a magical charm so that thou mayest live for ever. Thy father Seb gives thee his inheritance. Osiris, the prince of Amenta, makes thee victorious over thy foes. Go thou as Horus, son of Isis and Osiris, and triumph ever on thy way to the underworld. Horus repeated these words four times, and his enemies fell headlong.

"Then I went up to the three bodies, and I asked myself, to which I should do such a wrong as to rob him of his heart. I turned to the two poor ones, and I hastily went up to the sinning girl. Then I heard the voice of the demon that cried out in my heart 'The girl was poor and despised like you while she walked on Seb, He is often spoken of as the "father of the gods" on the monuments.

Fran. My Daughter's a Lady, Sir. Bal. And you, Mistress, you have married Antonio, and left the Governor. Cla. I thought him the fitter Match, Sir, and hope your Pardon. Jul. We cannot scape. Fran. But how came you hither, Gentlemen, how durst you venture? Seb. Whither, Sir, to my own Son's house; is there such danger in coming a mile or two out of Cadiz? Fran. Is the Devil in you, or me, or both?

"Then I went up to the three bodies, and I asked myself, to which I should do such a wrong as to rob him of his heart. I turned to the two poor ones, and I hastily went up to the sinning girl. Then I heard the voice of the demon that cried out in my heart 'The girl was poor and despised like you while she walked on Seb, He is often spoken of as the "father of the gods" on the monuments.