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Sometimes the vessel is seaworthy enough to lie out and take whatever wind and waves may inflict; but that is usually where much of the charm and comfort of the houseboat has been sacrificed to make her so. Then too the houseboater is usually quite a landlubber after all; so that even if the boat is strong enough to meet an angry sea, the owner's stomach is not.

His work consists in racing under sail, steam, or oars against other water-clerks for any ship about to anchor, greeting her captain cheerily, forcing upon him a card the business card of the ship-chandler and on his first visit on shore piloting him firmly but without ostentation to a vast, cavern-like shop which is full of things that are eaten and drunk on board ship; where you can get everything to make her seaworthy and beautiful, from a set of chain-hooks for her cable to a book of gold-leaf for the carvings of her stern; and where her commander is received like a brother by a ship-chandler he has never seen before.

He may have meant that for a kind of small joke, but she had been worse hurt than he could know, for one 32-pounder shot had shattered her stern, barely missing her sternpost and rudder gearing, and she was no longer the trim and seaworthy vessel that she had been.

As Raleigh was a navigator, Noah would have explained to him the peculiarities of construction that made the ark so seaworthy; as Raleigh was a statesman, Moses would have discussed with him the principles of laws and government; as Raleigh was a soldier, Caesar and Hannibal would have held debate in his presence, with this martial student for their umpire; as Raleigh was a poet, David, or whatever most illustrious bard he might call up, would have touched his harp, and made manifest all the true significance of the past by means of song and the subtile intelligences of music.

"For charter?" "Well, maybe. The same man owns her as owns this one, but only large parties engage her." "Fast and seaworthy?" "None better." "That's good," Jack said. "What are you thinking of?" asked his sister. "Tell you later," he announced briefly. "Oh, if it wasn't for the terrible news, how lovely this trip would be!" exclaimed Bess.

There was the beginning of a log in the ensign's handwriting, which Ives had found with high excitement and read with bitter disappointment. "Had squall from northeast," it ran. "Double reefed her and she took it nicely. Seems a seaworthy, quick ship. Further search for log. No result. Have ordered one of crew who is a bit of a mechanic to work at the brass-bound chest till he gets it open.

It won't be anybody 'ere now who'll 'ave the job of lettin' the folk at 'ome know 'ow the pore ole Andromeda went under." "Are none of the boats seaworthy?" "Not one. They're knocked to pieces. Sorry for you, Miss Yorke. But we're all booked for Kingdom Come. In 'arf a minnit, or less, we'll be on the reef, an' the ship must begin to break up."

He had just recently been to Paris, had motored across France, had just returned by sea from Bordeaux in his yacht, the Night Moth. "Landed to-day forgot this unspeakable flower-show had to put in to get her cleaned up for Cowes though it's quite possible I shan't go near Cowes when all's said and done. She's quite seaworthy, warranted not to kick in a gale.

Seven men, under Dunkin, were told off to man the Francis. A dozen others were needed to plug her shot-holes before she was really seaworthy. This task being finally accomplished, the ropes were taken off, the sails run up and the two sloops, closehauled to starboard, set about beating off shore. It was a terrible day for Jeremy and Bob.

Your father has always pursued a splendid policy in that respect. The London and Hong Kong Company may not possess fast vessels, but they are seaworthy and well found in every respect." "Are there many people ill on board?" "No; just the usual number of disturbed livers. We had a nasty accident shortly before dinner." "Good gracious! What happened?" "Some Lascars were caught by a sea forward.