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Much obliged!" said Gwent "I won't trouble you this morning! I rather enjoy being alive." "So do I!" declared Seaton, still smiling "I only state what I COULD do." Gwent stood at the door of the hut and surveyed the scenery. "You've a fine, wild view here" he said "I think I shall stay at the Plaza a day or two before returning to Washington. There's a very attractive girl there."

The majordomo held each dish up to Seaton for inspection, the latter waving away the fish and the darkest green foods, but approving the others.

They needed no reply, however, and she made none. She did not then know that Mrs Seaton was not Gertrude's own mother, and that she was only half-sister to the two little boys, upon whom she looked as mere children, whilst she felt herself a young lady. "Have you been lonely here?" she asked, in a few minutes. "A little. It is very quiet," said Christie, hesitatingly. "But I like it."

She could not help reflecting a trifle sadly that thus far her sophomore year had run anything but smoothly. She had looked forward to peace, whereas she was in the midst of strife. And all because Marian Seaton did not like her. That dislike dated back to her initial journey across the continent to Wellington.

In that awful moment before Seaton could shut off his power it seemed to him that space itself must be obliterated by the very concentration of the unknowable and incalculable forces there unleashed must be swallowed up and lost in the utterly indescribable brilliance of the field of radiance driven to a distance of millions upon incandescent millions of miles from the place where the last representatives of the monstrous civilization of the Fenachrone had made their last stand against the forces of Universal Peace.

"Yes, we can trust him implicitly. As you know, he is really my friend instead of my man." During the next few days, while workmen were installing a complete chemical laboratory in the tower room, Seaton busied himself in purchasing the equipment necessary for the peculiar problem before him.

"As near as I can remember," said Seaton with another bow, "he said, Sir I cannot possibly allow Miss Kennedy to take any such drive as you propose!" 'Well? said Mr. Kingsland, 'I have heavy wagers out on Miss Kennedy's dignity. 'I don't know what you call dignity, said the beauty, 'I didn't know at first but she would knock him down for his information, she did, with her eyes.

At any other time and under any other circumstances, Dalrymple would be very willing to spend any length of time with Mabel, for he is very fond of pretty little Mrs Seaton and carrying on a mild flirtation with her would be the reverse of unpleasant to him, but to be so near the object of his affection, no, he couldn't do it, so excusing himself he raises his hat and passes on.

He was aroused from his stunned inaction by the entrance of his colored laboratory helper, and silently motioned him to clean up the wreckage. "What's happened, Doctah?" asked the dusky assistant. "Search me, Dan. I wish I knew, myself," responded Seaton, absently, lost in wonder at the incredible phenomenon of which he had just been a witness.

This is too much for Jimmy who gives way to suppressed laughter, the match goes out, and Miss Seaton though inwardly convulsed thinks proper to assume an air of dignity. 'I think I had better go back to the ball-room, says she. Jimmy vaguely feeling he has done something he ought not to, says; 'I-er beg your pardon, I'm awfully sorry