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But, as it is written , "The things which eye hath not seen, and ear hath not heard, and that have not entered into the heart of man, these hath God prepared for those who love him." But to us hath God revealed them by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth out all things, even the depths of God.

"Ye swear now," she continued, "in the presence o' Him who see'th through the darkness o' night and searcheth the heart, that nane o' ye will betray to oor enemies what we hae this nicht determined on; but that every man o' ye will, the morn, though at the price o' his life, do yer utmost to deliver oor groaning country frae the yoke o' its invaders and oppressors! This ye swear?"

And He that searcheth the hearts knoweth the mind of the Spirit, because he prayeth for the saints, according to the will of God. Some one has spoken of that word, "for the saints," as meaning the spirit of praise in the believer for the saints throughout the world. God's word continually comes to us to pray for all not to be content with ourselves.

The range of the mountains is his pasture, and he searcheth after every green thing. Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib? Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow? or will he harrow the valleys after thee? Wilt thou trust him, because his strength is great? or wilt thou leave thy labour to him?

Thus Omnipotence is attributed to Him "The Spirit shall quicken your mortal bodies", Omniscience "The Spirit searcheth all things", Omnipresence "Whither shall I go from thy Spirit?"

"In the presence of God Almighty, who searcheth the hearts of men, from our homes in the Transvaal we have journeyed to meet again, Free burghers, we ask His mercy and trust in His grace and bind ourselves and our children in a solemn oath to be faithful to one another and to stand by one another in repelling our enemy with our last drop of life-blood. So truly help us, God Almighty."

It was no sword of territorial conquest, but that flaming blade of conscience and self-conviction which lightened between our first parents and their lost Eden, that sword of the Spirit that searcheth all things, which severs one by one the ties of passion, of interest, of self-pride, that bind the soul to earth, whose implacable edge may divide a man from family, from friends, from whatever is nearest and dearest, and which hovers before him like the air-drawn dagger of Macbeth, beckoning him, not to crime, but to the legitimate royalties of self-denial and self-sacrifice, to the freedom which is won only by surrender of the will.

"I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins." And again, "All the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts; and I will give unto every one of you according to your works." The Lord awaken poor sinners by my little book. I come now to make some brief use and application of the whole: and

Behold, I am about to cast her on a bed, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds. And I will slay her children by death; and all the churches shall know that I am he who searcheth the reins and the hearts: and I will give to you, even to every one, according to your works.

"Peradventure, said Jacob, my father will feel me, and I shall seem to him as one that mocks, and I shall bring a curse upon me, and not a blessing." Without all peradventure, may we say, our Father will feel us; for He searcheth all hearts, and understandeth the imagination of the thoughts.