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We will soon see which of the two, that sea-lawyer or I, is to command the Barbara." Telling Gwynne and Toby to guard the arm-chest, and Randolph to rally round him the most trustworthy men on deck, he desired Stubbs and me to follow him forward. Without a word of warning he suddenly appeared among the men, who were supposed to be in their berths asleep.

Lay on till I get angry, it will make me forget," and taking a leathern jerkin off a peg he pulled it over his head. "Forget what, master?" "Oh! the prayings and the burnings and Vrouw Jansen, and Adrian's sea-lawyer sort of talk." "Ah, yes, that's the worst of them all for us," and the big man leapt forward and whispered. "Keep an eye on him, Master Foy."

Probably in a typhoon in the Japanese seas. That's what the papers will say, and people, too. In you go, Siberia and the salt-mines. Dead to the world and kith and kin, though you live fifty years." In such manner John Lewis, commonly known as the "sea-lawyer," settled the matter out of hand. It was a serious moment in the forecastle of the Mary Thomas.

The captain must be a seaman, a sea-soldier, a sea-lawyer, and a sea-merchant, shut off from his principals by space which no electric current then annihilated.

"The court'll decide that, sir," replied the imperturbable Davis. "And if you go to shoutin' off your sea-lawyer mouth," Mr. Pike continued, "I'll jerk you out of that and show you what real work is." "An' lay the owners open for lovely damages when we get in," Davis sneered. "Not if I bury you before we get in," was the mate's quick, grim retort.

"Aye, aye, sir!" rose Hal's voice, clear and strong. "Pass the word to load the torpedo tube." "Aye, aye, sir!" Next, hailing the "Selma," Ennerling called: "Last hail before trouble! Do you surrender?" "No, you sea-lawyer!" Just a word to Jack from the Naval officer, and the "Pollard" shot ahead of the other craft, then came up and around, going after the yacht on the quarter, nose on.