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It was necessary to work stubbornly, sternly, in harmony with the earth, to fight hand-to-hand with the forest, the axe, the plough and the scythe. They had learnt to keep their eyes wide open, for each had to hold his own against the wood-spirit, the rumbling forest, famine, and the marshes.

When I cum back to the table Bill had put away his plate, which he had cleaned off, and was eatin' my dumplin'." "What did you say?" inquired the gentleman from Pike, interested. "I said: 'Bill, you're my cousin, but you've gone too fur. He laffed, and we went into the field together to mow. He was just startin' on his swath when I cum behind him and cut his head clean off with my scythe."

Leave the work to the scythe of time. He will send them, soon enough, to the shores of the river of the departed." "I am taking away the superfluous," answered the sage, "so that what is left may flourish the better."

"A scythe or a handsaw! eh, then what to do, Barny?" "Why, to pare my nails, to be sure," replied Barny, with a loud laugh; "but stay come back here I'll make shift to do wid a pair of scissors this bout. "'The parent finds his sons, The tutherer whips them; The nailer makes his nails, The fiddler clips them."

At last, becoming weary of the effort, he decided to return home and have his scythe again sharpened, and also to procure a quantity of bread, saying: "I will come back here and will not leave until I have mown all the meadow, even if it should take a whole week." Ivan soon returned with his sharpened scythe and started to mow.

But the scythe, the invention or emblem of Saturn, still continued annually to mow the harvests of Italy; and the human feasts of the Læstrigons have never been renewed on the coast of Campania.

Time won't lean up aginst fence corners, and wipe his brow on a bandanna, and hang round. He jest moves right on up and down, up and down. On each side of us the ripe blades fall, and the flowers; and pretty soon the swath will come right towards us, the grass-blades will fall nearer and nearer a turn of the gleamin' scythe, and we, too, will be gone.

"Eurymachus," answered Ulysses, "if you and I were to work one against the other in early summer when the days are at their longest give me a good scythe, and take another yourself, and let us see which will last the longer or mow the stronger, from dawn till dark when the mowing grass is about.

My time must be nigh at hand now, for I be aud, and a hundred years is too much for any man to expect. And I'm so nigh it that the Aud Man is already whettin' his scythe. Ye see, I can't get out o' the habit of caffin' about it all at once. The chafts will wag as they be used to. Some day soon the Angel of Death will sound his trumpet for me.

It has been conjectured that this is intended as a representation of the saint himself ready to deliver his votaries from the jaws of Hell. But it is more probable that the whole subject is allegorical of Death, armed with his scythe between the powers of Light and of Darkness. The choir arch is one of the boldest and most original conceptions in this marvellous temple.