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Leffie offered no remonstrance, and as Aunt Dilsey just then screamed for her, Rondeau went alone to the garden and proceeded to disinter the buried document. ’Twas but the work of a moment, and could Julia have been cooling herself in Greenland, as she ought to have been, all would have ended well.

"Miss Pyncheon!" screamed the child, rapping on the window-pane, "I want an elephant!" There being no answer to several repetitions of the summons, Ned began to grow impatient; and his little pot of passion quickly boiling over, he picked up a stone, with a naughty purpose to fling it through the window; at the same time blubbering and sputtering with wrath.

When he came down in the morning he turned to the hostess and said, "Mrs. , that was excellent tooth-powder you placed at my disposal; can you give me the name of the maker?" The hostess fairly screamed. "What," she exclaimed, "the powder in the urn?" "Yes," replied the officer, startled; "was it poison?" "Worse, worse," said she; "you swallowed Aunt Jane!" Conceive of this wretched taste.

Those who kept their feet at all reeled and staggered in a strange, wild dance, and every child in the group screamed with all his might. The women screamed, too, calling frantically to the children, and the men came pouring out of the door of the Common House, trying to steady themselves as they were flung first one way, then another by the heaving ground.

High school girls began to roll from all sides of it. "A rescue! A rescue!" they shouted. It was Ellen Brownlee and her crowd, and every girl of them carried a big parcel. They took in the scene as they approached. The fleeing dog with something in its mouth, the half-naked girl and boy chasing it told the story. Those girls screamed with laughter as they watched the pursuit.

The coachman drove against a post, the lady screamed, the coach was overturned, and Law, who had seen the accident, hastened to the spot to render assistance. The cunning dame was led into the Hotel de Soissons, where she soon thought it advisable to recover from her fright, and, after apologizing to Mr. Law, confessed her stratagem.

Then the full horror of the situation took hold of me; as the comfort slid past my feet I sat up and screamed at the top of my voice. Of course, people came running in all sorts of things. I was still sitting up, declaring I had seen a ghost and that the house was haunted. Dallas was struggling for the second armhole of his dressing gown and Bella had already turned on the lights.

But she suddenly screamed violently and started back, seeing that the constable his wife, when nobody watched her, had run a needle into the mole, so deep that the red blood ran down over her breasts.

But the youth and his steed were losing ground instead of gaining it. "Let go, or you'll go over!" screamed Roger, in increasing alarm. "Let the outfit go, Phil!" The shipowner's son tried to do as bidden. But now a new difficulty presented itself. In his eagerness to hold the halter Phil had twisted it about his hand and wrist.

At the sight of it Grace, who with Amy was leaning breathlessly over the side of the boat, uttered a cry. "It's Will!" she screamed, half-hysterically. "It's my brother Will!" Betty and Mollie started back, and nearly let the limp body slip off the raft. "What what!" cried Betty, for the figure of the youth bore no resemblance to Will; nor did the features.