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They were most amiable multitudes, March thought, and they responded docilely to the entreaties of the policemen who stood on the steps of the bridges, and divided their encountering currents with patient appeals of "Bitte schon! Bitte schon!" He laughed to think of a New York cop saying "Please prettily!

"I can honestly say I have never seen anything just like them before." "Schon!" cried the German, delighted. "You hear, Gaptain? Here is a chentleman, yes, vot abbreviate unser aart." The captain was charmed, and said: "Well, sir, we're thankful for a compliment yet, though they're not as scarce now as they used to be before we made a reputation."

Arise in thy might, I say, and let our enemies be scattered!" Then he wiped his forehead, looked round in recognition of the sehr guts and ausserordentlich schon gesagts that were being flung about, re-lit his cigar with the aid of the Herr Lehrer, who sprang obsequiously forward with a match, and sat down. Wasn't it a good thing he sat down. I felt so much happier.

But how fine and beautiful you have grown; even to my fraction of an eye, which sees the sunlight as through black gauze. Fancy little Lucy has a husband; a husband and the poodle still takes three baths a day. Are you happy, darling? are you happy?" She nodded. It seemed a sacrilege to claim happiness. "Das ist schön! Yes, you were always so merry. God be thanked!

I opened the Buch der Lieder at the poem in his preface the song of the sphinx in the enchanted wood ... and how it clutched the seeker, the poet, to its monstrous but voluptuous woman's breasts as it ravished his soul with kisses. And the nightingale was singing.... "O, shöne Sphinx, O löse mir Das Rätsel, das wunderbare! Ich hab' darüber nachgedacht Schon manche tausand Yahre."

Though Tushin's guns had been intended to cannonade the valley, he was firing incendiary balls at the village of Schon Grabern visible just opposite, in front of which large masses of French were advancing.

"Not 'our Sovereign, the Emperor, as they say at official dinners," said he, "but the health of our Sovereign, that good, enchanting, and great man! Let us drink to his health and to the certain defeat of the French!" "If we fought before," he said, "not letting the French pass, as at Schon Grabern, what shall we not do now when he is at the front? We will all die for him gladly!

"Ach himmel! Das ist wunder schon!" murmured a tall, gray monk, looking in, and quite unconscious that he spoke aloud. "Hullo, Bopp! I thought you weren't coming," cried Mephistopheles in an emphatic whisper. "Ah, I guess you! yes, you are well done. I should like to be a Faust for you, but I haf no time, no purse for a dress, so I throw this on, and run up for a hour or two.

The savory fumes of hot sauerkraut aroused the warrior from his reveries, and he asked, in vociferous delight: "Was haben sie? Kohlen, nicht wahr sauerkraut das is aber schon?" "Yes, mein golonel, I hof cabbage und sauerkraut und" looking about circumspectly "etwas schnapps aus Antwerpen gebracht?"

And, having glanced round the room, Prince Andrew turned to Rostov, whose state of unconquerable childish embarrassment now changing to anger he did not condescend to notice, and said: "I think you were talking of the Schon Grabern affair? Were you there?" "I was there," said Rostov angrily, as if intending to insult the aide-de-camp.