United States or Saint Lucia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

On the seat in front of me were two "prairie-men," such as are described in the 'Scalp-Hunters, though of an inferior grade to St. Vrain. Fine specimens of men they were; tall, handsome, broad-chested, and athletic, with aquiline noses, piercing grey eyes, and brown curling hair and beards.

They had ceased their screaming, but murmured among themselves in low and plaintive exclamations. As I looked, I saw blood running from their ears! It had dappled their throats and spurted over their garments. A glance satisfied me as to the cause of this. They had been rudely robbed of their golden hangings. Near and around them stood the scalp-hunters, in groups and afoot.

But during the present lecture we have been considering the gradual transfer of the preponderance of physical strength from the hands of the war-loving portion of the human race into the hands of the peace-loving portion, into the hands of the dollar-hunters, if you please, but out of the hands of the scalp-hunters.

He had been travelling with a strange party the "scalp-hunters," in the mountains near Santa Fe, when they were overtaken by a sudden and heavy fall of snow that rendered farther progress impossible. The "canon," a deep valley in which they had encamped, was difficult to get through at any time, but now the path, on account of the deep soft snow, was rendered impassable.

We had, therefore, no time to waste in gold-hunting, and the simplest of the scalp-hunters knew this. By daybreak we were again on the march, and riding up the banks of the San Carlos. We had now entered the great desert which stretches northward from the Gila away to the head waters of the Colorado. We entered it without a guide, for not one of the band had ever traversed these unknown regions.

He tried to keep his people at peace, and repeatedly warned the whites of impending attacks, Nevertheless, he was unwilling or unable to stop by force the war parties of Creeks and Lower Cherokees who came through his towns to raid against the settlements and who retreated to them again when the raids were ended. Many of his young men joined the bands of horse-thieves and scalp-hunters.

There were men apparently of every hue and clime and tongue here assembled, drawn together by the accidents of life, by the instinct of adventure all more or less strange individuals of the strangest band it has ever been my lot to witness: the band of the Scalp-Hunters! I had returned to my blanket, and was about to stretch myself upon it, when the whoop of a gruya drew my attention.

Whilst reading heaven only knows what startling adventure of scalp-hunters, he pouted out his lower lip in a terrifying way, which gave the honest phiz of the man living placidly on his means the same impression of kindly ferocity which abounded throughout the house. This man was Tartarin himself the Tartarin of Tarascon, the great, dreadnought, incomparable Tartarin of Tarascon.

On one side were the Navajoes, with consternation in their looks, for the warriors had recognised their children. On the other stood the scalp-hunters, not a few of whom, in the captive train of their enemies, could distinguish the features of a wife, a sister, or a daughter. Each gazed upon the other with hostile hearts and glances of revenge.

A vast green canopy overhung the whole earth, and in every valley flowed brooks and rivers of clean water coming down from the firm hills. The few traces made by the white man had disappeared since the war. The ax was gone, and the scalp-hunters had taken its place.