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"P.S. I beg you will listen to the prefect, and do as he bids you. We have agreed that this is the course you should pursue, and I shall be very glad if you do it." Orso read the letter three or four times over, making endless mental comments each time as he read. Then he wrote a long answer, which he sent by Saveria's hand to a man in the village, who was to go down to Ajaccio the very next day.

"I will give piece for piece." Those shepherd boys led a lonely sort of life, and welcomed anything that was novel. Then, too, they were as tired of their bread, made from pounded chestnuts, as was Napoleon of Saveria's wheat bread. So Napoleon found a ready response to his offer. "Here! I'll do it!"

"Saveria," Colomba called, "take the lantern and attend the Signor Prefetto. He will give you a letter to bring back to my brother." She added a few words which reached Saveria's ear alone. "Colomba," said Orso, when the prefect was gone, "you have distressed me very much. Will no evidence convince you?" "You have given me till to-morrow," she replied.

"Ah, yes; punishment how does that sound, Napoleon?" whispered Joseph in his ear. "You had better tell the truth. Saveria's whip hurts." "And so does my hand, rascal!" cried Napoleon, enraged at the taunts of his brother. And he sprang upon Joseph, and beat and bit him so sharply that the elder boy howled for help, and Uncle Joey Fesch was obliged to pull the brothers apart.

"What, then, does he whip you?" asked Panoria. "No, he does not; but if he says we should be whipped, then Mamma Letitia hands us over to Nurse Mina Saveria; and she, I promise you, does not let us off from the whipping." All this Eliza admitted as if with vivid recollections of the vigor of Nurse Saveria's arm. Panoria glanced toward the grotto amid the rocks.