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It was long after the sea-chapter of my life had been closed but it is difficult to discard completely the characteristics of half a life-time, and it was in something of the jack-ashore spirit that I dropped a five-franc piece into the sauceboat; whereupon the sleep-walker turned her head to gaze at me and said "Merci, Monsieur," in a tone in which there was no gratitude but only surprise.

Stir it with a whisk; and when it has boiled a few minutes, strain it through a tammis or a napkin. CLARIFIED BUTTER. To make clarified butter for potted things, put some butter into a sauceboat, and set it over the fire in a stewpan that has a little water in it.

Turn it into a sauceboat and stand aside until very cold. Melt maple sugar with a little water, and add to each cupful of syrup a half cupful of chopped black walnuts. Maple syrup may also be used by adding half the quantity of boiling water and the nuts.

Add separately the unbeaten whites of two eggs, stirring briskly and beat again. Add one teaspoon of vanilla and one-half cup of hot water. Pour in sauceboat, and place boat in a pan of boiling water on stove, until it becomes frothy then serve immediately. Wash the fruit well, then put on the stove in a saucepan without adding any more water.

At serving time, fill the cake quickly with the frozen custard, replace the top, dust it thickly with powdered sugar and chopped almonds, and send it to the table with a sauceboat of cold Montrose Sauce. This cake may be varied by using different garnishings.

Don't you?" A dignified waiter with a shaven upper lip and grey whiskers put a sauceboat on the table. "What's that you are serving?" asked Frolov. "Sauce Provençale for the herring, sir. . . ." "What! is that the way to serve it?" shouted Frolov, not looking into the sauceboat. "Do you call that sauce? You don't know how to wait, you blockhead!" Frolov's velvety eyes flashed.

Put all the ingredients into a saucepan and stir over the fire until they reach boiling point, boil until the mixture slightly hardens when dropped into cold water. Add the vanilla, turn at once into the sauceboat and send to the table. This must be sufficiently thin to dip nicely over the ice cream. 1 cupful of sugar 1 teaspoonful of lemon juice 1 cupful of water 1 teaspoonful of maple flavoring

And uncle Charles had said so too. Mr Dedalus covered the dish and began to eat hungrily. Then he said: Poor old Christy, he's nearly lopsided now with roguery. Simon, said Mrs Dedalus, you haven't given Mrs Riordan any sauce. Mr Dedalus seized the sauceboat. Haven't I? he cried. Mrs Riordan, pity the poor blind. Dante covered her plate with her hands and said: No, thanks.

It was less pretentious also, more homely and familiar, so to speak, insomuch that in the intervals when all the performers left the platform one of them went amongst the marble tables collecting offerings of sous and francs in a battered tin receptacle recalling the shape of a sauceboat. It was a girl.

Boil some soup stock with a few slices of lemon, a little sugar and grated nutmeg; add chopped parsley; thicken with a teaspoon of flour or yolk of egg. Mostly used for stewed poultry. Chop some mint fine; boil half a cup of vinegar with one tablespoon of sugar; throw in the mint and boil up once; pour in a sauceboat and cool off a little before serving.