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"No," cried Hilary, "but I'm all here, and if you give me any of your sauce when you come in, I'll show you why some fellows are made officers and some keep common seamen to the end of their days." "And how's that?" said the ruffian with a sneer. "Because they know how to deal with bullies and blackguards like you. Now then, this is my room, so walk out."

"Welcome, my son," she said to Russell, extending her hand. "We celebrate your marriage at the supper to-night, and the Captain helps us, no? my friend." "Let us have chicken with red pepper and tomato sauce," cried Russell. "And rice with saffron; and that delightful dish with which I remonstrate all night olives and cheese and hard-boiled eggs and red peppers all rolled up in corn-meal cakes."

Everywhere, rich materials and silent artists; business without bustle, and the all-pervading magic of method. Philippon was preparing a sauce; Dumoreau, in another quarter of the spacious chamber, was arranging some truffles; the Englishman, Smit, was fashioning a cutlet.

Hake, which is not one of the most delicate fish, can be made excellent if stewed in the following sauce: A quart of milk to which you have added a dessertspoonful of any of the good English sauces; thicken it with a knob of butter rolled in flour, which stir in till all is smooth.

This has long been in much esteem as a pickle: it grows on the high cliffs on the Kentish coast, where people make a trade of collecting it by being let down from the upper part in baskets. A profession of great danger. SCURVY-GRASS. Cochlearia officinalis. The leaves are hot and pungent, but are considered very good, and frequently eaten between bread and butter. SAUCE ALONE. Erysimum Alliaria.

'I wants my tea, he said; and they saw that on the box of the cab was a mound of cabbage, with pork chops and apple sauce, a duck, and a spotted currant pudding. Also a large can. 'You pay me my fare, he said threateningly, and looked down at the mound, muttering again about his tea. 'We'll take another cab, said Cyril with dignity. 'Give me change for a sovereign, if you please.

Aspic mayonnaise is another form of the sauce, used in dressing cold dishes, and while more delicious than the usual sauce, will keep its form for hours after the dish is dressed. It is absolutely necessary to prepare it on ice.

The state of the case was just this: the young gentleman liked cheese well enough when he could get nothing better. Cheese, however, as a substitute for cold loin of pork, with "crackling" and apple sauce, was hardly to be borne, and Master Cheese sat in dumbfounded dismay, heaving great sighs and casting his eyes upon his plate. "I feel quite faint," said he.

The gravy of all sorts of fish is a great addition to your sauce, if the fish be sweet. To dress COD'S ZOONS.

Cover the whole with a bechamel sauce into which you have stirred some grated cheese; put it to bake in the oven. Then make a brown sauce with any veal or kidney gravy that you have, and cook some mushrooms in it with pepper and salt; the sauce is to be served with the grenadine.