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"What is to be gained by that?" "May I have an interview with you at your house to-night? It is for this that I ask the postponement." "Certainly," Gorham replied, wonderingly. "I will see you at nine o'clock." "I thank you," said Covington, rising and leaving the office without further comment. Gorham received two callers on that Saturday night.

I should like to know at what hour I might call. But perhaps the best way would be to walk about here in the evening, after my day's work is over, and then you could run down any time, and look out: that would be enough; I should be there. Saturday nights I could just as well be there all night."

Her unerring instincts warned her that this woman might in some way trouble her life, but she thought Saturday would be perfectly safe and was preparing to start, when some vague longing came over her to see her goddess. She had felt less serene since the day before, and John Derringham and his words and looks absorbed her thoughts.

"Tituba further said that she had also seen a hairy animal with Goody Osburn, that had only two legs, and walked like a man. And that she saw Sarah Good, last Saturday, set a wolf upon Elizabeth Hubbard."

Among them Babbitt hustled back to his office, to sit down with nothing much to do except see that the staff looked as though they were hustling. Every Saturday afternoon he hustled out to his country club and hustled through nine holes of golf as a rest after the week's hustle. In Zenith it was as necessary for a Successful Man to belong to a country club as it was to wear a linen collar.

Eliza had gone out; she says she gets things cheaper on Saturday nights. She has a great friend, who sells fish at a shop, and he is very generous, and lets her have herrings for less than half the natural price. So we were all alone in the house; Pincher was out with Eliza, and we talked about robbers. And Dora thought it would be a dreadful trade, but Dicky said

"And remember to speak to God about it, too," murmured drowsy Peace, stumbling upstairs in front of the weary mother-sister. "This is Saturday morning, Gail, and Mrs. Grinnell says I can go to Martindale with her if you will let me," said Peace, a few days after their midnight conference.

According to information in the Saturday Evening Post, the eating habits of many of our most influential business men are very simple and the amount of food partaken of small. John D. Rockefeller could hardly live more simply and plainly than he does.

The first Saturday that those young men worked there were, so I have been told, seventy-five of them driving in white stakes and running lines. The next Saturday there were fifteen of them planting potatoes. The rest were busy. The week after that there was one man hoeing weeds.

Every member of team and squad was pledged to keep early hours of retiring on every night but Saturday. In another chair, near by, sat Dave Darrin, who dropped in to speak with his chum, and was now waiting until they could stroll down Main Street together. "I've just thought of something I want to do, Dick," muttered Dave suddenly. "I'll jump out and attend to it, now.