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The interests of humanity and of general commerce also demand this; and as intimations of the same sentiment have been received from other governments, it is hoped that some plan may soon be devised to effect the object in a manner likely to give general satisfaction.

And he brought it to completion, giving a very beautiful varnish to the bronze; and this statue gave no less satisfaction than the other works already wrought by him.

I slap his neck and he lays back his ears playfully. And thus presently the barnyard is quiet again except for the sound of contented feeding. Take my word for it, this is one of the pleasant moments of life. I stand and look long at my barnyard family. I observe with satisfaction how plump they are and how well they are bearing the winter.

"Blimy," said one suddenly, "some of these old civilians 'ave come it balmy on the crumpet since the war began. Give me the trenches!" Aglow with satisfaction at what he had been able to do for the wounded soldiers, Mr. Lavender sat down in his study to drink the tea which he found there.

Henceforward beneficence was as interesting to him as business was, indeed, a sort of sublimated business in which money moved new forces in a commerce which no man could bind or limit. He had come to himself to the full realization of his powers, the true and clear perception of what it was his mind demanded for its satisfaction.

To this remark the prince made no other reply than by a good-natured smile as he took up the bronze helmet which lay beside his sword on the thwart and placed it on his head. Captain Arkal regarded him with a sort of grim satisfaction as he followed up the action by buckling on his sword. The sword in question was noteworthy.

While that proved nothing as to the relations of the two, it was at least reassuring as far as Anitra and Eulalie were concerned, and, after all, as in such cases, this was their story. Not having been able to learn much about the lady, I decided finally to send up my card, and to my satisfaction she sent back word that she would receive me in the parlor of the hotel.

"That will I not, by my faith," said Geraint; "I would not go even to thy Lord's Court, excepting Arthur were thy Lord." "By the hand of Arthur himself," said the knight, "I will have satisfaction of thee, or receive my overthrow at thy hands." And immediately they charged one another. And a squire of his came to serve him with lances as he broke them.

Every time we sin against self-respect at the bidding of the ruling passion, we rivet its hold upon us; the more that passion requires of us, the stronger it grows, every sacrifice increasing, as it were, the value of a satisfaction for which so much has been given up, till the negative sum-total of renouncements looms very large in a man's imagination.

I think Gahra and I will be able to bring you horses and arms after nightfall." "Good! And will Gahra and you throw in your lot with us?" "Where you go I will go, señor. Let Gahra speak for himself. He will be here shortly. He is coming now. When the negro arrived he expressed great satisfaction at finding us alive and well.