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He flung his hat off, and sate there, looking round him with a smile, his arms clasped round his big knees. "Well," he said, "it's a jolly place, the old world, to be sure! Plenty of nasty and ugly things, I suppose, going on in corners; but if you look round, they are only a small percentage of the happy things.

Verily Atreus' son, wide-ruling Agamemnon, hath done me dishonour; for he hath taken away my meed of honour and keepeth her of his own violent deed." So spake he weeping, and his lady mother heard him as she sate in the sea-depths beside her aged sire.

But hoo's come at last, and hoo's welcome, as long as hoo'll keep from preaching on what hoo knows nought about. Bessy had been watching Margaret's face; she half sate up to speak now, laying her hand on Margaret's arm with a gesture of entreaty. 'Don't be vexed wi' him there's many a one thinks like him; many and many a one here.

In the old temple of Jupiter Stator, chosen on this occasion for the strength of its position, standing on the very brink of the steep declivity of the hill where it overlooked the great Roman forum, that grand assembly sate in grave deliberation. The scene was worthy of the actors, as were the actors of the strange tragedy in process.

"Yes, sir," said the other with a consequential air, "I believe I may venture to say that I am in charge of some of the most considerable properties in Ireland." "Lawyer agent five per cent and so on," muttered the third party, who sate by me, and had not yet spoken.

Being as he was, he sate still, and thought it out, and resolved to play his own game for a while, as his master was playing for himself in Paris.

She looked up at him, and strove to catch his reverence's eye, as he still sate in his pulpit; she greeted him with a little wave of the hand and flutter of her handkerchief. He scarcely seemed to note the compliment; his face was pale, his eyes were looking yonder, towards the font, where those Hebrews still remained.

Oldbuck's toast, as, looking first at one then at another of his audience, he repeated, with self-complacency, "Weave the warp and weave the woof, And this mild censure the brother and sister justly accounted a full pardon for Juno's offences, and sate down well pleased to the morning meal. When breakfast was over, the Antiquary proposed to his nephew to go down with him to attend the funeral.

He used this simile one morning to Warrington, as the latter sate over his pipe and book, and Pen, with much gesticulation, according to his wont when excited, and with a bitter laugh, thumped his manuscript down on the table, making the tea-things rattle, and the blue milk dance in the jug.

'My dear boy, don't make apologies to me; keep them for your father. I'm only too glad to have you back. Miss Gibson, this tall fellow is my son Osborne, as I daresay you have guessed. Osborne Miss Gibson. Now, what will you have? He looked round the table as he sate down. 'Nothing here, said he. 'Is there not some cold game-pie? I'll ring for that.