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"Deeply regret to inform you your husband reported wounded and missing!" 'Missing? That means a prisoner. George is a prisoner and wounded! Can't I go to him? She looked piteously at Hester. Bridget had come up and was standing near. 'If he's a prisoner, he's in a German hospital. Dear Mrs. Sarratt, you'll soon hear of him! Nelly stood up.

And yet, escaping from all that activity, that power, that constant interest and excitement, here he was, making use of his first spare hour to come through the snow and the dark, just to spend an hour with Nelly Sarratt, just to cheer her lonely little life. Nelly ran to the window and opened it. 'Is that really you? she called, joyously, while the snow drifted against her face.

I ought to be very grateful! Yes, Hester Martin did know that, in a sense, Bridget did 'a lot' for her younger sisters. It was not many weeks since she had made their acquaintance, but there had been time for her to see how curiously dependent young Mrs. Sarratt was on Miss Cookson. There was no real sympathy between them; nor could Miss Martin believe that there was ever much sense of kinship.

'But it's a very difficult position, you must see for yourself. Ever since George Sarratt disappeared, you've been what shall I say? the poor child's earthly Providence. Her illness her convalescence you've done everything you've provided everything 'With her sister's consent, remember! and I promised Sarratt to look after them! Farrell's blue eyes were now bright and stubborn.

And Sarratt laughed out, remembering some further items of the conversation on the stairs. 'Whom are you discussing? said a cold voice in the background. It was Bridget Cookson's voice, and the husband and wife turned to greet her. The day was balmy June at its best. But Bridget as she came in had the look of someone rasped with east wind.

She put the drawing away, and did not seem to care to look at any more. Farrell wished he had left his remark unspoken, and finding that he had somehow extinguished her smiles and her talk, he relieved her of his company, and went away to talk to Sarratt and Captain Marsworth. As soon as tea was over, Nelly beckoned to her husband.

Sarratt, but Bridget was managing everything, and had never felt so much in her element in her life. She sat at the head of the table, helped Nelly, gave all the orders, and was extraordinarily brisk and cheerful. Nelly scarcely touched anything, and Mrs. Simpson who waited was much concerned.

I must be up sometimes on business for the hospital, but I can always sleep at my club. So what I want to persuade you to do, Miss Cookson, is to get Mrs. Sarratt to accept the loan of our flat, for a few weeks while she's kept in town. It would be a real pleasure to us. We're awfully sorry for her! He beamed upon her, all his handsome face suffused with kindness and concern.

Sarratt going out of the room with another lady said, 'Do you know, Madam, the Doctor is a great jumper! Moliere could not outdo this. Never shall I forget his pulling off his coat to eat beef-steaks on equal terms with Martin Burney. Life is short, but full of mirth and pastime, did we not so soon forget what we have laughed at, perhaps that we may not remember what we have cried at!

Well, she had always been incomprehensible and he was weary of the attempt to read her. But he wanted a home he wanted to marry. He began to think again in leisurely fashion of the Rector's granddaughter. Was that Mrs. Sarratt descending the side-lane?