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"Massa Courtenay, we hab no wish to hurt you, sah; but it am my painful duty to warn you dat, if you sing out, or make de slightest attempt to escape, I shall be obleeged to dribe dis lilly knife ob mine home to yo' heart, sar. So now you knows what you hab to expec'. Does you understan' what I say, sah?"

"Every day swear I to cease, but it is of no h'avail. Ever you been in love with a female, sar?" "What has that to do with it?" "It is much the same. I can't h'allow you to leave me. I would die and kill myself, but " "Rats!" "Yes, sar. It is very h'annoying, is it not?" "Do you want me to lose my job?" "Oh, MON!" "I'm going to speak to the boss, if you don't let up. I don't want to get fired."

"I doan no what dat is, sar." "I mean is she pretty?" "Yas, sar, dat she is. It is gin out dat she is de puttiest 'oman in dis settlement, and I git so tired taking horses ob gemmen dat cum to see her." "Then I expect she is bethrothed." "I doan no 'bout dat, but she ses dat de rite gemman hab not cum yit." "I must go down now, the Colonel may be waiting for me. Here is a dollar for you.

Suppose dar is a steamer in de bay loaded wid cotton, all ready to quit for somewhar. Do you tink, massa, I can go on bord of her wid you? No, sar! Dis nigger lose his head for sartin if dem uns knows I pilot you to dat steamer. You done got two eyes, massa, and you can see it for shore." "But I can protect you, Quimp," suggested Christy. "No, sar!

"I done get sick, massa, and I's gwine up to de big house to see de doctor," replied the negro, who probably used the first excuse that came into his head. "The doctor!" exclaimed the soldier. "Is there a doctor there?" "I reckon dar's one dar if he done habn't leabe yisterday." "Then you can do my errand for me," added the soldier. "Yes, sar; what's dat, massa?"

"I hope you love more of me than my smooth face, Peter," returned the middy, "otherwise your love won't continue, for there are certain indications on my upper lip which assure me that the smoothness won't last long." "Hol' your tongue, sar! What you go on jabberin' so to me when you's got work to do, sar!" said Peter fiercely, with a threatening motion of his fist.

Peter was carving a turkey, and asked his swarthy partner whether he might send her a slice of the breast. Shocked at such coarseness, the dusky but delicate damsel simpered demurely, "Sar, I take a lily piece turkey bosom, if you please." Dignity balls are still held in Barbados; they are rather trying to one of the senses.

While Dandy and Cyd were cleaning the Isabel, the former boldly announced his purpose to run away, and invited his friend to make one of the party. "Golly! Dis chile go for sure!" roared Cyd, displaying his wealth of ivories, and dropping his scrubbing brush with amazement at the magnificence of the idea. "Hush, Cyd! You will tell every one on the place." "No, sar! I won't tell no one ob it.

The negro, who, although comparatively short of stature, was Herculean in build, looked at the youth with an amused expression. "You're bery good, sar, but dat's not what I's t'inkin' ob. I's t'inkin' whedder I dar' ventur' to introdoce you to my massa. He's not fond o' company, an' it might make 'im angry, but he came by a heaby loss lately an' p'raps he may cond'send to receibe you.

"What does he say, Ostik?" "Me not know, sar. P'r'aps Ugly Tom know. He been down near Volta country." Ugly Tom was called, and after a conversation with the native, told Mr. Goodenough that he was a messenger from Abeokuta, that the people there were threatened by an attack by the King of Dahomey, and that they implored the white men, who they heard were in the neighborhood, to come to their aid.