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"You don't want more than your share of Santa Claus's pretty things, do you? Don't you want him to save some toys and books and candies for other little boys?" Arthur followed his own course of thought, without regard to Anne's questions. "One sock is for me," he said. "I hope Santa'll 'member and give me what I asked him." "What did you ask him to bring you, honey?" inquired Anne.

"When the kids are rounded up," he instructed the volunteer arrangement committee, "light up the candles on the tree and set 'em to playin' 'Pussy Wants a Corner' and 'King William. When they get good and at it, why old Santa'll slide in the door. I reckon there'll be plenty of gifts to go 'round." The ladies were flitting about the tree, giving it final touches that were never final.

"When the kids are rounded up," he instructed the volunteer arrangement committee, "light up the candles on the tree and set 'em to playin' 'Pussy Wants a Corner' and 'King William. When they get good and at it, why old Santa'll slide in the door. I reckon there'll be plenty of gifts to go 'round." The ladies were flitting about the tree, giving it final touches that were never final.

"Old Santa'll love him, too. And I'll give him my wed wose. Mamma wored it to her party las' night. Smell it, Anne; ain't it sweet? And see here," he opened his chubby fist. "Fahver give me five cents. I'm goin' to give it to Santa C'aus. And tell him to buy him anyfing he wants wif it." Anne hugged him heartily. "You dear, cute, generous, precious darling!" she exclaimed.