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She had honoured him more than she had loved him. "Princesse, quand même," said Nicholas in a low voice, as he raised her fingers to his lips. "Leave me your address before you go. I will write as soon as I have decided what to do." Nicholas scratched the name of a hotel on his card. When he was gone Margaret sank into a chair.

I thought I should drop every moment from weakness, but it was worse still when we overtook the baggage, for then we were obliged to march on the sides of the road, and the farther from it we went the more deeply we sank in the soft soil. About eleven o'clock we reached a large village called Genappe, which lies on both sides of the route.

You shall live, if you can use our Indian weapons; but you shall live and die as an Indian. He turned and left the apartment; and the heart of Henrich sank within him. Was he then taken for ever from his parents, and his brother, and sister? Should he behold his friends, and his teacher, no more? And must he dwell with savages, and lead a savage life?

When Farrington heard their terrible words, and saw the noose made ready, with a groan he sank upon his knees before the safe. With trembling hands he turned the steel disk, but somehow the combination would not work. Again and again he tried, the people becoming more and more impatient.

He seized my right hand, stared incredulously at the ring on my little finger, and then, murmuring: "It is, it is!" sank upon one knee before me, pressed the ring to his forehead, and exclaimed: "Salutations and homage, O high and mighty King!

It looked like some evil spirit of the deep, and the boys estimated the length of its arms as at least twenty-five feet. It slowly waved the long feelers as if in farewell as it sank. "That there's a devil-fish," proclaimed Ben, who had joined the group as the monster vanished, "some calls 'em octopus, but devil-fish is a better word, to my thinking." The boys agreed with him.

Two men got ashore, but the man from this island was drowned, for his oilskins went down about his feet, and he sank where he was. Then we talked about the chances of the mackerel season. 'If the season is good, he said, 'we get on well; but it is not certain at all.

"Shortly after we heard the shot the sun sank in his red splendour, and there fell upon earth and sky the great hush of the African wilderness. The lions were not up as yet, they would probably wait for the moon, and the birds and beasts were all at rest.

Oh, no! my father, my mother, my brothers, and you my husband, and beloved children, we shall all meet again." Exhausted with the energy she had thrown into these last words, she sank back upon the pillow, from which she had partially raised her head. After a short pause, she glanced her eye on a portrait that hung on the opposite wall.

The strange light, which was neither gloaming nor dawning, but a mixture of both, the waving boreal banners, the queer houses, gray with the storms of centuries, the brown undulating heaths, and the phosphorescent sea, made a strangely solemn picture which sank deep into their hearts.